
We ask up to $0.002 / unique visitors worldwide , but rates are different with each country.

Advertisers can check https://www.adshort.us/pricing.php?adr to see prices for 1000 visitors.

After that if you are interesed you can register as an advertiser and set your website there , if you don't have time you can contact me here anytime.

** RULES **

There is a minimum PayPal deposit of $5.00 and all sites/banners are allowed, except when they contain:
Frame breaking script
Popup any windows on entry or exit of any kind
Automatically attempt to download software or change any user settings
Adult or Pornographic related
Hate, Bigotry, and/or Intolerance
Warez or Software Piracy related
Music Piracy Related
Hacking Related
Anything related to illegal activity
An adshort link, you cannot advertise adshort links on adshort.us

** RULES **

Best Regards,
John, Adshort.us
scriptburn Reviewed by scriptburn on . Unique visitors as low as $2 / 1000 visitors Hello, We ask up to $0.002 / unique visitors worldwide , but rates are different with each country. Advertisers can check https://www.adshort.us/pricing.php?adr to see prices for 1000 visitors. After that if you are interesed you can register as an advertiser and set your website there , if you don't have time you can contact me here anytime. ** RULES ** Rating: 5