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    Website's: DLThe.Net DLThe.Com
    Got A Band looking for a wordpress site just like , this will just require the same theme as the site listed above, and only 2 pages need to be created.

    Quick and Easy Profit to someone wanting to do it.
    This will have future jobs once the band wants to release more about them etc.
    Basic Page, such as homepage(just like above) and a video page.
    I can give you the names of the plugins for the site, i just cant do this right now as my pc, is garbage.

    Added after 10 Hours 30 minutes:

    No takers? This is a very easy job..
    Raven Faust Reviewed by Raven Faust on . Need Wordpress Site Got A Band looking for a wordpress site just like , this will just require the same theme as the site listed above, and only 2 pages need to be created. Quick and Easy Profit to someone wanting to do it. This will have future jobs once the band wants to release more about them etc. Basic Page, such as homepage(just like above) and a video page. I can give you the names of the plugins for the site, i just cant do this right now as my pc, is garbage. __________________ Rating: 5

  2.   Sponsored Links

    Are u looking for someone who can make u the site??/ If yes pm me

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