I have 1 license for Advanced Rapidleech Script, and I want to sell it.
I thought to open site with this script, but I don't found enough time.

Script features:
- First of all it's streaming premium lnk generator, that means you don't need to have expensive server with fast HDD to run quality service. Best thing is that streaming modification is independent from plugin files, you can add new standard download plugins and it will work. Second good thing is that this script is rapidleech based, so you can take plugins from rapidleech script.
- Limits. Yuo can define download limit in MB for every user group. For example not registered users can download 1Gb per day, registered users 2, and VIP members 15 (read bellow about VIP).
- VIP users, paypal automated system, you can crete custom plans, define price and how much resources you want to give for that plan. For example: 15Gb every day whole month for 2$ VIP
- You can add multiplies files hosts premium accounts, they will rotate. Everything is done using admin zone interface.
- Got banned from some filehost? Not a problem, this system have advanced proxy mod. You can add proxy server and asign premium accounts to any proxy server. For excample you have 2 premium FS accounts, you can assign 1 account to Proxy#1 and second account goes to Proxy#2. I will also include how to quickly set up proxy mini server with squid.
- User management in admin zone. You will see all registered users with stats.
- wait time mod: you can define how much time user will wait for next download. This limitation will activate only if user successfully downloaded file. You can define random frazes to show abou wait time. Alse you can specify firs fraze duration in second. Excample: first 25 seconds after succesful download user will see: "Wait some time", after 25 second script will switch to random frazes you define in configs. You can disable this modification if want, but it's good for promotion, advertise etc...

Demo: http://www.gigaleech.com

*You'll get the script with this template.

Real Script Price: 100$

My Price: 75$

Payment: PayPal / Moneybookers

MSN: aviv_amram@msn.com

ChaoscripT Reviewed by ChaoscripT on . Advanced Rapidleech Script - 1 License Hi, I have 1 license for Advanced Rapidleech Script, and I want to sell it. I thought to open site with this script, but I don't found enough time. Script features: - First of all it's streaming premium lnk generator, that means you don't need to have expensive server with fast HDD to run quality service. Best thing is that streaming modification is independent from plugin files, you can add new standard download plugins and it will work. Second good thing is that this script is Rating: 5