I have registered my self to donor if somethink happens to me my organs well be used to the people who needed. After your dead your body will burned or going in the ground so why dont you donor your organs to a person who needs it.

If you register gives hope to more than 10.000 people of all ages across the UK who desperatley need an organ transplant.Although more of these life saving operations now take place than ever before, many people - on average three a day - will die wating for a transplant because there are simply not enough organs available.

If you have not already done so, I encourage you to let those closest to you know of your wish to become a donor.

UK - www.organdonation.nhs.uk

If your from other country please go to your local hospital and find out for more info

Have you registerd your self in organs donor?
lig}{tning Reviewed by lig}{tning on . Register Your Self To Donor I have registered my self to donor if somethink happens to me my organs well be used to the people who needed. After your dead your body will burned or going in the ground so why dont you donor your organs to a person who needs it. If you register gives hope to more than 10.000 people of all ages across the UK who desperatley need an organ transplant.Although more of these life saving operations now take place than ever before, many people - on average three a day - will die wating for a Rating: 5