For a limited time we are offering all our VPS as fully managed. We are also offering free control panel licenses on all our Premium VPS packages below.

Free With Every Budget VPS

VPS Software : VePortal
Virtualization : OpenVZ
IP Addresses : 2
Management : Fully Managed
DDOS Protection : CISCO? Guard
Setup : Free
Setup Time : within 24 hours after receiving payment

Budget Series

Guaranteed CPU : 1000MHZ
Guaranteed Memory : 512MB
Disk Space : 20GB
Monthly Bandwidth : 1000GB
Price per month : $7.95

Guaranteed CPU : 1500MHZ
Guaranteed Memory : 1GB
Disk Space : 50GB
Monthly Bandwidth : 1000GB
Price per month : $11.95

Guaranteed CPU : 2000MHZ
Guaranteed Memory : 1.5GB
Disk Space : 100GB
Monthly Bandwidth : 2000GB
Price per month : $21.95

Guaranteed CPU : 2500MHZ
Guaranteed Memory : 2.5GB
Disk Space : 150GB
Monthly Bandwidth : 2000GB
Price per month : $32.95

Guaranteed CPU : 3000MHZ
Guaranteed Memory : 3GB
Disk Space : 200GB
Monthly Bandwidth : 4000GB
Price per month : $43.95

Guaranteed CPU : 4000MHZ
Guaranteed Memory : 4GB
Disk Space : 250GB
Monthly Bandwidth : 4000GB
Price per month : $51.95

Premium Series

Free With Every Premium VPS

VPS Software : VePortal
Virtualization : OpenVZ
Free CP : Free cPanel Or Direct Admin
IP Addresses : 2
Port Speed : 1000M/1G
Management : Fully Managed
DDOS Protection : CISCO? Guard
Setup : Free
Setup Time : within 24 hours after receiving payment

Guaranteed CPU : 2000MHZ
Guaranteed Memory : 512MB
Burstable Memory : 1GB
Disk Space : 20GB
Bandwidth : 2000GB
Price per month : $19.95

Guaranteed CPU : 2500MHZ
Guaranteed Memory : 1GB
Burstable Memory : 2GB
Disk Space : 50GB
Bandwidth : 2000GB
Price per month : $29.95

Guaranteed CPU : 3000MHZ
Guaranteed Memory : 1.5GB
Burstable Memory : 3GB
Disk Space : 100GB
Bandwidth : 4000GB
Price per month : $41.95

Guaranteed CPU : 4000MHZ
Guaranteed Memory : 2.5GB
Burstable Memory : 5GB
Disk Space : 150GB
Bandwidth : 4000GB
Price per month : $65.95

Guaranteed CPU : 4500MHZ
Guaranteed Memory : 3GB
Burstable Memory : 6GB
Disk Space : 200GB
Bandwidth : 6000GB
Price per month : $85.95

Guaranteed CPU : 5000MHZ
Guaranteed Memory : 4GB
Burstable Memory : 8GB
Disk Space : 250GB
Bandwidth : 6000GB
Price per month : $115.95

ultimatehostings Reviewed by ultimatehostings on . Fully Managed Virtual Private Servers For a limited time we are offering all our VPS as fully managed. We are also offering free control panel licenses on all our Premium VPS packages below. Free With Every Budget VPS VPS Software : VePortal Virtualization : OpenVZ IP Addresses : 2 Management : Fully Managed DDOS Protection : CISCO? Guard Setup : Free Rating: 5