I am Are Selling Cheap Adspots On Wareztown.Which Has a Good Organic Traffic.We Are Not Submitting to Any DDLs For The Past Few Days.So Are Getting Some Organic Traffic.

This Website Was Previously PR2.Since The Servers Were Down We Lost PR to 1
We Receive about 2k+ unique visitors daily.

Traffic Stats.

OwnerShip Proof.
Price (Per Month)

Header Adspot

1 Month Normal - 5$

1 Month Color + Bold Link $6
2 Month Color + Bold Link $10
4 Month Color + Bold Link $16

Footer Adspot

1 Month - 3$

Banner Ads
1 Month 15$ (Size 468*60)
2 Month 27$ (Size 468*60)
1 month 25$ (700*90)

For Header Ads PM me.

Payment via PayPal And AlertPay Only
Trusteduploader Reviewed by Trusteduploader on . Adspot On Wareztown PR1 2kUV Starting @3$. Hey KWWH, I am Are Selling Cheap Adspots On Wareztown.Which Has a Good Organic Traffic.We Are Not Submitting to Any DDLs For The Past Few Days.So Are Getting Some Organic Traffic. This Website Was Previously PR2.Since The Servers Were Down We Lost PR to 1 We Receive about 2k+ unique visitors daily. Traffic Stats. http://pokit.etf.ba/get/aa533130e196ea57988dbf95ae54b303.jpg Rating: 5