Everyone wants there website to be listed on 1st page , but dunno how to get there you do every thing you can but still nothing well i can help you

Do you need Backlinks?

Get Quality Backlinks! Improve your Search Rank!

Getting backlinks is an essential part of search engine optimization. But just getting a lot of backlinks isn't enough. The backlinks you need have to be quality. And we have loads of those links just waiting for your site! Wouldn't you want your website to rank on the first page of all the major Search Engines? Well that's what a strong backlinking campaign can do for you.

We will add backlinks from domains across the internet that will help increase your SERP rankings and PR. Every site fights with the Google Dance when they start to get some quality backlinks. Don't be afraid, it's completely normal. Getting your website backlinks can increase your sites search rankings which will in turn bring quality targeted traffc. The people coming to your site will want to buy what you have, read what you have written or want to watch the video's you have posted on your pages.

We will place your url as a link and also place your anchor text as backlinks for optimum SEO benefit. By placing anchor text in each link you will get higher placement within the search engines. A lot of these profiles backlinks have stuck for up to 6 months.

Backlinks will be from PR8 - PR0


How can backlinks help my search engine rankings?

In short, the more backlinks you have (quality an quantity) the higher the rankings you'll have in all the major search engines. Backlinks are the only for sure thing that can get you much higher rankings in the search engines because they show how popular your website is based on how many other sites are linking back to you... hence, a backlink.

Will I get penalized for paying you to do my backlinks?

There is no way you will get penalized for paying us to do your backlinks. It is possible to get penalized for paying people to put links on their sites but that's not what you're buying from us. When purchasing from us you are paying us to place thousands of free backlinks. There is absolutely no way Google can penalize you for this.

How do you place the backlinks for your customers?

We have various methods in which we use to place backlinks. We NEVER pay webmasters to place a link on their sites because that could get you and us into trouble. We use multiple pieces of sofware combined with manually submitting your links.

Are the backlinks you place do-follow?

We try to only place do-follow backlinks so that our customers get the best results in their SERP's. Every once in a while there is a no-follow backlink that slips past our filters but don't worry because getting a no-follow backlink every once in a while will show supreme link diversity. It will show that you're not only looking for do-follow for higher rankings and that you're just looking to get the word out about your new website.

Are your backlinks niche specific?

Most of our packages are revamped every week with new places to put your links so we can't guarantee that your links will be niche specific.

How long will my order take to complete?

All of our orders will take at least 25 days to complete. You can't pay us extra to jump in front of our other customers. We run a great service so we appreciate your patience.


Why no report is offered:-

Because of some issue we cannot offer a report after the task is finished

How will we know the task is actually done ?

Well you can see the traffic difference when we will start your order.

Scrape Box Blast:-

Package 1

Backlinks:- 10,000

Full Report will be provided

Max. 5 days usually we complete the task within few hrs.

Cost:- $20

Each back link will be pinged:-

Cost:- $25

Package 2

Backlinks:- 27,000

Full Report will be provided

Max. 5 days usually we complete the task within few hrs.

Cost:- $50


Each back link will be pinged:-

Cost:- $55


We do not:-

Give Review copy

Service status:- open
addy4u Reviewed by addy4u on . Backlink Blast ~~Cheapest On KWWH~~ Get 30,000 Backlinks , Best SEO for your Website Everyone wants there website to be listed on 1st page , but dunno how to get there you do every thing you can but still nothing well i can help you Do you need Backlinks? Get Quality Backlinks! Improve your Search Rank! Getting backlinks is an essential part of search engine optimization. But just getting a lot of backlinks isn't enough. The backlinks you need have to be quality. And we have loads of those links just waiting for your site! Wouldn't you want your website to rank Rating: 5