Some of you know that I'm into bodybuilding and fitness. Over years I was training, learning about nutrition, tried everything so therefore I do have answers on most your questions. (when I say years, I don't mean 2,3)

Be real, everyone want to look good! Looking good makes you feel good and everything else comes along the way.

If it's to get girls, get into modeling, or to simply look and feel good.

I'm also doing training 1 on 1. Been doing for few months and it works for me, works for my clients even better. All you need is a goal, I will provide everything else and coach you in detail. I don't work on hour rates like most people, instead it's pay per week (so you won't spend ton of money).

So if you're interested contact me, you will not regret it.

/advertising off

Okay so what is this thread about?
It's simple, if you have any fitness/bodybuilding questions post them here and I, with help of some other people (if any) will help you.

I'm going to give you information first hand based on my experience.

And please be polite, do not spam and do not post 10 questions at same time and make sure you read Q&A first, because maybe I already answered your question.

If I helped you, as simple thanks you could add to my reputation. Thank you!


Q: Are supplements safe to use?
Yes, all supplements such as protein powder, creatine, BCAA, weight gainers, protein bars, multivitamins etc. are 100% safe to use because they are nothing but a meal replacements. Now it may sound strange but if you are 250 pounds guy, there is absolutely no way you could eat so much meals every day to feed body enough, that's where supplements jump in. They are easy to mix with water or milk (depends on supplement) and very fast to digest. But you should never focus on supplements only because diet is much, much more important. They come in pills and powders.

Q: Why my muscles hurt so much next day?
A: When you do any type of running, weight lifting etc. your muscles take all the load and they get damaged. Now, if body didn't used to such amount of pressure "beating" it will result in DOMS a.k.a Delayed onset muscle soreness. Means your muscles are damaged and they need to be repaired. How does that work? Well it's simple, by resting and eating (giving your body important nutriens to repair muscle) your muscles will be repaired and get bigger.

Q: How can I get rid of the fat around stomach area?
A: You don't. It's that simple. Most people will start doing thousands and thousands of ab crunches every day hoping it will melt down their waist but it doesn't work like that. Your body decides where does fat comes off first. And it's usually your arms, shoulders, chest, back and then stomach area and legs come into the place. You cannot burn fat off a specific region so doing thousand ab workouts will get your abs bigger but because of a high body fat, they still won't be visible.

Q: Is it possible to get huge, lean muscular body without taking steroids?
A: Depends, how huge do you wanna get? But it is possible. You have to realize that genetics do play fair part in muscle building. But, with hard work and dedication, you can achieve any goal(s). You have to understand that those bodies you see on TV were not born, they were made in the gym. So yes, you will have to follow diet programs, follow workout programs, even if you slack here and there, you can still achieve great results.

Q: I'm stuck, I don't have gym in here, what should I do?
A: Okay so home training might not be as productive as in the gym but you can still train. Improvise, that's the first advice. That's what I did when I was a kid. I didn't had dumbbells or barbells because they were expensive, so I improvised. You can pretty much do pushups for chest, squats for legs and chinups for back anywhere.

Q: I want to lose fat, how?

A: Losing fat is slow process so in order for you to star melting down that fat you will have to clean up your diet, speed up your metabolism and do a lot's lots of cardio workouts. Cardio without diet won't get you anywhere and vice versa. To short the story, get rid of cookies, sodas, candies, fast food. Instead start eating some salads, meat, eggs, milk, pasta, potatoes, rice, nuts etc. Also cardio is a must, at least 3 times a week if you're starting but if you are serious, 5-6 times every week is also good. Make sure those meals are small and make sure you eat those small meals every 2-3 hours also water is important factor. So you shouldn't have only 2,3 meals every day, instead it should be at least 4-5 meals. Eat, sleep and train.

Q: I want to gain some weight, how?

A: Gaining just "weight" is rather easier than gaining quality weight - muscle. Calories, calories and more calories. But, I'm not talking about eating 1kg of candies per day. I'm talking about quality calories, coming from meat, eggs, from good carbohydrate sources such as grits, pasta, rice, potatoes. Not much weight lifting is required if you simply want to gain any weight but I strongly recommend it! It's not about gaining muscle and weight only, it's about keep your body healthy, feeling good and so on.

Okay that's it for now, I hope you find this Q&A and this topic in general useful, I want to thank everyone who contributed and hatem for the Q&A idea. 18 long pages.

And remember, you look good, you feel good!
Smith Reviewed by Smith on . Ask Smith! (Fitness, Bodybuilding) Some of you know that I'm into bodybuilding and fitness. Over years I was training, learning about nutrition, tried everything so therefore I do have answers on most your questions. (when I say years, I don't mean 2,3) Be real, everyone want to look good! Looking good makes you feel good and everything else comes along the way. If it's to get girls, get into modeling, or to simply look and feel good. I'm also doing training 1 on 1. Been doing for few months and it works for me, works Rating: 5