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    Red face GFX Work! Logo + ''Avatar''

    Hey guys,

    I need a logo for my new blog/site ''PlayItFresh''. (
    First of all, I am not gonna give much details on how I want thinks.
    I need a skilled GFX'er to do this and he/she needs to have enough creativity to think of something.
    This is simply cause I really don't have a creative mind. (Atleast not in GFX.).

    So what's the most intresting for most of you is ofcourse the money.
    Payment Gateway: Moneybookers.
    Amount: We'll discuss that.

    The job:
    Logo: needs to blend in with the skin, obviously. It has to make a good impression on the users visiting the site but it shouldn't be overkill.
    Avatar: one I will use on a wide range of websites to promote PlayItFresh. It needs to look cool & fance, attract a lot of attention and ofcourse the website url ( needs to be clear for everyone.
    The size of the avatar? I'd like a normal one and one of 500x500. (The last one only needed if possible, if not, then I can easily live with that).

    Additional Information: Not much really. The site is all about Hip-Hop & R&B music so be sure that's the impression users will get from the logo and avatar. Try to show me some sample work of your own if you reply here.

    Thank you for reading this wall of text!

    Young Star-G Reviewed by Young Star-G on . GFX Work! Logo + ''Avatar'' Hey guys, I need a logo for my new blog/site ''PlayItFresh''. ( First of all, I am not gonna give much details on how I want thinks. I need a skilled GFX'er to do this and he/she needs to have enough creativity to think of something. This is simply cause I really don't have a creative mind. (Atleast not in GFX.). So what's the most intresting for most of you is ofcourse the money. Payment Gateway: Moneybookers. Amount: We'll discuss that. Rating: 5

  2.   Sponsored Links

    Pure Awesomeness!
    Thread cleaned, stay away if you can't do what he wants.
    Edit: and closed, why make 2 thread?

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