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    Default Is that true

    As it is a public secret that 99% of the uploaders in all file hosters are copyright infrigers and pirates, Is it true that Filehost give ips of the uploaders to the copyright owners if requested and uplloader can be in danger with the law in her countries?
    tonijoni Reviewed by tonijoni on . Is that true As it is a public secret that 99% of the uploaders in all file hosters are copyright infrigers and pirates, Is it true that Filehost give ips of the uploaders to the copyright owners if requested and uplloader can be in danger with the law in her countries? Rating: 5

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    Don't worry about it.

    Most hosts would require a court order. And nobody is going to bother taking you to court for uploading.

    Yes, it's illegal. No, you don't need to worry about it.

    Usually they would need a court order toa ccess such information.
    However, recent times have shown that WebHosts are giving such info willingly to avoid court fees and the like, so don't be surprised if Filehosts start doing the same as well.
    This is the staff, you have been banned

    lol asian's are 200% safe
    Wanna Link Exchange With PR4 ? Your Site Must Be PR3
    PM ME

    Quote Originally Posted by snowmanrene View Post
    However, recent times have shown that WebHosts are giving such info willingly to avoid court fees and the like, so don't be surprised if Filehosts start doing the same as well.
    They may do it but it doesnt make it legal, The only people you legally have to provide such information to is the police or if a court order forcing the information be handed over is granted.

    You cannot legally hand over private infomation to private companies, (without a court order) its illegal and potentually more serious than the actual crime the person potentually comitted.

    The "copyright owner" being a private company (Company A) which means unless they are granted a court order they have no legal right to have your private infomation and therefore if (Company B, The webhost/file host etc) handes over your information to Company A without a court order they are breaching Data Protection Laws, In the Uk Atleast fines for breaches of data protection can be up to half a million pounds (£500,000), which in the uk atleast is far more serous than someone downloading the latest £30 video game where the fine would be £30 (the price of one copy of the work).

    Quote Originally Posted by sSKKa View Post
    lol asian's are 200% safe
    Thank God

    OH GOD!!!!!
    With a court order yes. Same goes for domains

    But I really have never heard of an uploader being taken to court

    Quote Originally Posted by sSKKa View Post
    lol asian's are 200% safe
    Well , that's Great News
    But how can you say?

    Quote Originally Posted by Hillside View Post

    Thank God

    Don't get over excited

    I never said it was legal, just said what I think can happen.
    This is the staff, you have been banned

    Quote Originally Posted by delboy View Post
    They may do it but it doesnt make it legal, The only people you legally have to provide such information to is the police or if a court order forcing the information be handed over is granted.

    You cannot legally hand over private infomation to private companies, (without a court order) its illegal and potentually more serious than the actual crime the person potentually comitted.

    The "copyright owner" being a private company (Company A) which means unless they are granted a court order they have no legal right to have your private infomation and therefore if (Company B, The webhost/file host etc) handes over your information to Company A without a court order they are breaching Data Protection Laws, In the Uk Atleast fines for breaches of data protection can be up to half a million pounds (?500,000), which in the uk atleast is far more serous than someone downloading the latest ?30 video game where the fine would be ?30 (the price of one copy of the work).
    But there's no way anyone can prove that Company A gave information to the Company B
    (Unless of course it's a sting operation and the Company B is just a Bunch of Police Officers)

    The Hotfile Privacy Policy States that:
    Hotfile cooperates with government and law enforcement officials and private parties to enforce and comply with the law. We may disclose Personal Information and any other information about you to government or law enforcement officials or private parties if, in our discretion, we believe it is necessary or appropriate for any of the following reasons: to respond to legal requests (including court orders and subpoenas); to protect the safety, property, or rights of Hotfile, any Hotfile user, or any third party; to prevent or stop any illegal, unethical, or legally actionable activity; or to comply with the law.
    So if you are Uploading, you agree with these terms

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