hello, i have a public leecher, i use advertise for pay it, i tell to everyone to click on ads but only 5 % click on it ireally need money for keep it alive... i have a script for the transload button who open popus with ads and countdown...

<script type="text/javascript"><!--
var timer;
adpop = null;
n = 10;
function fnPopup(){
adpop = window.open('/superleech/ads.html', 'popup', 'scrollbars=0,resizable=1,width=730,height=600,lef t=150,top=300');
$('input[name=btnTransload]').val('CLICK ON ADVERTISE for download... 10 seconds.');
timer = setInterval("counter()", 1000);
function counter(){
if(adpop != null){
alert('You closed the popup before of the 10 seconds, click on ADVERTISE and\r\nTry Again.');
clearInterval(timer); n = 10;
$('input[name=btnTransload]').val('Try Again');
if(adpop.frames.length == 3){
return false;
n = n - 1;
$('input[name=btnTransload]').val('Click on Advertise and wait '+n+' seconds.');
if(n == 0){
$('input[name=B2]').before('<input value="Transload" type="submit">');

but i need who the countdown only start when people click on ads someone know how to do that ?

thanks !
guitarmaster Reviewed by guitarmaster on . Force clicking on ads hello, i have a public leecher, i use advertise for pay it, i tell to everyone to click on ads but only 5 % click on it :( ireally need money for keep it alive... i have a script for the transload button who open popus with ads and countdown... <script type="text/javascript"><!-- var timer; adpop = null; n = 10; function fnPopup(){ adpop = window.open('/superleech/ads.html', 'popup', 'scrollbars=0,resizable=1,width=730,height=600,left=150,top=300'); Rating: 5