Google has spent the last year deciding which city in the U.S. to launch its Google Fiber project. If you have dreamed of having 1GB Google Fiber to your home, then its time to move to Kansas City. An agreement has now been signed to roll out the fiber goodness in Kansas City, which should result in gigabit service becoming available to locals in 2012.

Google?s reps have confirmed ?this is the beginning and not the end.? Kansas City, Kansas, will be just the first market where this 1Gbps goodness will be installed.
ShareShiz Reviewed by ShareShiz on . The Winner Of Google 1GB Fiber Has Been Chosen 1o7bKLG3A3w Google has spent the last year deciding which city in the U.S. to launch its Google Fiber project. If you have dreamed of having 1GB Google Fiber to your home, then its time to move to Kansas City. An agreement has now been signed to roll out the fiber goodness in Kansas City, which should result in gigabit service becoming available to locals in 2012. Google?s reps have confirmed ?this is the beginning and not the end.? Kansas City, Kansas, will be just the first market where Rating: 5