distribution giant Netflix is currently offline. Their website states that the Netflix website and the DVD shipping operations are temporarily down. It is unknown what is causing the down time and how far reaching the outage spreads. Currently it appears you can log in to the remote applications but performance is quite poor and anything that requires access to their home website is not working at this time. While it is not uncommon for websites to occasionally go down, this is among the first time that the popular video service has experienced down time. The interesting part of this outage is that it also affects their DVD shipping operations. If you are expecting a movie in the mail, it may now be delayed because of this outage.
If you have forgotten your password to your account, it is not possible to recover it at this time as you need to visit Ironically, even when Netflix is offline, their webpage is still advertising a service you cant currently access.

[Update] The new message (different from the one above) states that streaming is now offline too.

DLow Reviewed by DLow on . Netflix is currently offline;20shot%202011-03-22%20at%209.24.04%20PM.png Media distribution giant Netflix is currently offline. Their website states that the Netflix website and the DVD shipping operations are temporarily down. It is unknown what is causing the down time and how far reaching the outage spreads. Currently it appears you can log in to the remote applications but performance is quite poor and anything that requires access to their home website is not Rating: 5