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    Omg, so sad , they were deleted like with a eraser :/
    Click me

    I'll upload for you(paid), PM me.

    I need payza2paypal exchanged(urgent!)

    Damn, want a very sad thing pray for them and hope for less damages

  3.   Sponsored Links

    mmm mmm!
    I see all these amateur videos that's popping up all the time .. It's crazy ..

    Feel free to post photos and videos in this thread guys.
    HATERS GONNA probably bring up some valid points considering I am an ignorant little twat so far up my own ass that i blame my problems on everyone and if you criticize me you're automatically wrong.

    Quote Originally Posted by John.Doe View Post
    Errrm, sorry Hillsid3, they neither deserve nor deserved getting their butts nuked.

    I wonder what led you to judge my historical knowledge though, since you don't know me in any way, shape or form other than from my few posts in this board.

    Hailing form Germany, I'm quite familiar with the WWII era, don't worry.

    Fact is, those nukes always hit the wrong people ? helpless civilians who can't hide anywhere and even if they do survive, they get to battle cancer for generations to come.

    Do you really think all Japanese and German people agreed with the war? Even those who did where led to believe in their leaders due to extreme propaganda measures ? how would they've known any better? Not taking into account that they'd have their asses shot at the first sign of protest anyways.

    No Sir, bomb the leaders, shoot'em, hang'em, whatever you like, but nuking an entire country to shreds because of ONE stupid idiot in power is a tad bit silly.

    Back in the day the US didn't know any better and neither did other nuclear powers. But seen from 60 years distance, I can't believe people still justify the bombing after being well aware of the aftermath.

    Don't get me wrong, I have a lot of respect and gratitude for the US in general and I'm glad the official point of view differs from yours.
    + for the post
    Selling cheap domains - 5 dollars each - Payment with PayPal only

    Respected Member
    I agree with John. Because of stupid leaders many people died, nuclear wars and shit..

    As for Japan, I really feel sorry for them man.

    i see more images on new york times website
    Now FSo Give bonus on Japan but now japan in water this is very sad


    It came today to the hydrogen explosion in nuclear power plant in Fukushima - bloomberg
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    Woah, so many people died... Thats sad.

    Too much sad

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