1) Upload the contents of the 'Upload' directory to your root directory. MAKE SURE TO UPLOAD ALL FILES IN BINARY MODE OR IT WILL NOT WORK!
3) Give the files 'lib/lib_database.php' and 'lib/lib.php' and 'configuration.php' 777 rights. This can be done by using set permissions.
3) Create your MySQL database, and User.
4) Grant full access between your MySQL User and database.
5) Import the file 'Database File (SQL)/new_database.sql' into your database.
6) Edit your 'lib/lib_database.php' file and 'forum/lib/lib_database.php' and 'Includes/DBConn.php' and 'forum/connect.php' with your database information.
7) Make sure your SourceGuardian is installed correctly.Simply upload the 'howto-install.php' file to your root directory, run it in your browser, and
follow the directions. You can find it in your 'Install/SourceGuardian' directory.
6) Go to and login using username 'admin'and password 'admin'.
7) Delete the 'Install' folder and all files under it.
8) Change your admin password and site settings.
9) After that, you should be done!
Any problems should be immediately reported in the forums under bug reports.

Install this in my server....I have the Files With Me...Do it in teamviewer.
Trusteduploader Reviewed by Trusteduploader on . Need Some to Install The Script in my server For 2$ Directions: 1) Upload the contents of the 'Upload' directory to your root directory. MAKE SURE TO UPLOAD ALL FILES IN BINARY MODE OR IT WILL NOT WORK! 3) Give the files 'lib/lib_database.php' and 'lib/lib.php' and 'configuration.php' 777 rights. This can be done by using set permissions. 3) Create your MySQL database, and User. 4) Grant full access between your MySQL User and database. 5) Import the file 'Database File (SQL)/new_database.sql' into your database. 6) Edit your Rating: 5