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View Poll Results: Your Favorite File Manager?

36. You may not vote on this poll
  • FileServe

    21 58.33%
  • HotFile

    7 19.44%
  • FileSonic

    6 16.67%
  • Duck Load

    2 5.56%
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    Default Your Favorite File Manager?

    Your Favorite File Manager?
    Let's find out who has the best File Manager and why!

    Please partake in the poll. It'd also be great to respond to this thread stating which file host offers you the best file manager and why. What is it that puts it over the other file hosts? What would you add to the File Manager?
    Benign Reviewed by Benign on . Your Favorite File Manager? Your Favorite File Manager? Let's find out who has the best File Manager and why! Please partake in the poll. It'd also be great to respond to this thread stating which file host offers you the best file manager and why. What is it that puts it over the other file hosts? What would you add to the File Manager? Rating: 5

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    if you are asking about file management than i think rapidshare (RSM2) is best


    I like FileServe's

    I vote for fileserve because their File Manager is:

    1. Fast and efficient.
    2. Started the Concept of the copy feature and execution of this and other features is brilliant.
    3. Has everything at the right place and so its easy to access and use the features.
    4. The design and style of the file manager is great and better then other hosts by far.

    When you look at Fileserve's file manager you can see that it was designed by professionals and not by some kids in a basement.

    If i had to vote for a host apart from these four, i'd say RapidShare just because of RUM.

    Thanks for the in depth analysis CloudShadow.

    Respected Member
    It'd also be great to respond to this thread stating which file host offers you the best file manager and why. What is it that puts it over the other file hosts? What would you add to the File Manager?

    ^^ People. Read The thread first ^^

    Out of the listed ones, I've only ever used FileServe. I cannot answer as I really don't remember what it even looked like.

    RapidShares RSM2, it simply owns.

    RSM2 is best of all, also RUM used to be great file manager.

    hotfile simply awesome!!!!!!!!

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