Hi, I'm selling adspots on my DLE site

Katz 2*
Site is fairly new so I didnt get PR, but I'm there next time for sure

Traffic info for last 10 days, KnownSRV were migrating their servers, so saturday/sunday stats are a bit lower

Traffic is mostly referred (Katz and my pr1+ blogs), organic 10%
Do not pay much attention on stats on site saying 10k+ views it doesn't work on any DLE site correctly

Ownership proof

(1 month):
Normal Link: 1$
Bold Link: 1,5$ (Can choose color if you wish)
Bold + BLINK Link: 2,5$ (Can choose color if you wish)
For Examples please visit

Header Banner
: 3,5$ - 3 available INFO: must be 176x62 as Katz's banner, please visit
Your banner will replace HF/FS/FSC

Article Banner: 5$ - 0 available INFO: this banner will be shown in all Full Articles bellow downloads link, please see example
Your banner will replace existing one, 468x(60-80)

Footer Banner: 5$ -1 available 728x90

Payments: Alertpay (preferred), MoneyBookers, NO PayPal
Trades: Willing to trade adspots for domains

Added after 12 Days:

Selling Header Banner for 1$ for 1st person who orders it
or 1$ for blinking bolded text link in header
infernohuman Reviewed by infernohuman on . Blog Adspots 1,7k-2,7k visits, starting @1$ Hi, I'm selling adspots on my DLE site My-Downloads.EU Katz 2* Site is fairly new so I didnt get PR, but I'm there next time for sure Traffic info for last 10 days, KnownSRV were migrating their servers, so saturday/sunday stats are a bit lower http://preview.filesonic.com/img/20039.jpg Traffic is mostly referred (Katz and my pr1+ blogs), organic 10% Rating: 5