VPS Minimum Specs
  • Moderate sites. 4*+ by katz standards
  • At least 500GB transfer/Bandwidth
  • Atleast 2GB ram
  • Decent CPU Share

My recommendation: Hetzner + Reverse Proxy

Company: Hetzner
Product: vServer VQ19
Reverse Proxy needed: YES!
Speed: 10ms
Price (inclusive of reverse proxy): $31 a month

Company: vpsFactory
Product: Linux Budget 1
Reverse Proxy needed: YES!
Speed: 3.2ms
Price: $53 a month

Company: Leaseweb
Product: Express - L
Reverse Proxy needed: YES!
Speed: Best of all (2ms)
Price (inclusive of reverse proxy): $66 a month

Note, only reply advertising a product if you can beat one of the top 3 prices and are a major company. We dont care otherwise. Only linking safe sites are allowed, my discretion at whether I consider your data center safe for that.

Part of my Cheap Hosting Series
Small Sites - Medium Sites - Medium-Large - Large Site (Dedicated)
SplitIce Reviewed by SplitIce on . Finding the Cheapest Host - Medium-Large sites (Part 2.1) VPS Minimum Specs Moderate sites. 4*+ by katz standards At least 500GB transfer/Bandwidth Atleast 2GB ram Decent CPU Share Pricing My recommendation: Hetzner + Reverse Proxy Rating: 5