ColorizeIt is an online color scheme editor. You can select or upload a design, change colors, download modified design.
ColorizeIt is a perfect solution for owners of forums, blogs and turnkey websites. You no longer have to search for a design that matches color scheme you want, you can take any design and quickly alter its color scheme.
Editing requires no html/css knowledge at all, you don't need to enter weird html color values, all editing is done by moving few sliders. Select a color you want to be changed, move few sliders to change it to color you want, then when you download a design that color will be changed in all html files, css and all images.
Editor cannot change color to whatever you want, there are some limitations. For example, you cannot make most designs lighter or darker. You cannot change only few instances of same color, for example, if link color is blue and some image has exactly the same blue color, both colors will be changed because editor is not a style builder, it cannot tell what part of style color belongs to so it changes all instances of that color.
smoky Reviewed by smoky on . ColorizeIt - online color scheme editor. ColorizeIt is an online color scheme editor. You can select or upload a design, change colors, download modified design. ColorizeIt is a perfect solution for owners of forums, blogs and turnkey websites. You no longer have to search for a design that matches color scheme you want, you can take any design and quickly alter its color scheme. Editing requires no html/css knowledge at all, you don't need to enter weird html color values, all editing is done by Rating: 5