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    Angry how people r still fool

    hi KWWH community,, donno why people r still fool, like someone ask u about a Job, when u Did it, he say hmm, no not exactly what i wanted and if u request ur money, he said sorry man that not what i want to do

    Anyway, i think that the better idea is, get the Money on a private accounts, so i suggess that KWWH start a one, PP and Ap, and one Mod handle that, coz as we know, KWWH is the best
    MohaZone Reviewed by MohaZone on . how people r still fool hi KWWH community,, donno why people r still fool, like someone ask u about a Job, when u Did it, he say hmm, no not exactly what i wanted and if u request ur money, he said sorry man that not what i want to do Anyway, i think that the better idea is, get the Money on a private accounts, so i suggess that KWWH start a one, PP and Ap, and one Mod handle that, coz as we know, KWWH is the best Rating: 5

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    i lawld

    please speak clearly

    I know you're speaking English but I just don't understand you :l

    Respected Member
    Yeah. Try again please. I'd like to know what you mean by private accounts

    MohaZone is basically saying why do people not state clearly what job they want done...and only when a programmer has already spent hours coding what they think someone wants, the client says 'no, that's not what i wanted'. so the owner asks for money for having wasting their time coding for nothing.

    @MohaZone i have seen this all too many times, i think it mainly down to lack of communication or language barriers, and other times, it's just plain stupidity and the programmer not asking the right questions. i don't really see how opening a seperate section for it is going to remedy the situation any further, maybe if the client<->programmer could communicate more effectively and do the job in pieces to let the client see how it's progressing would surely make for a better solution

    OH GOD!!!!!
    Im guessing he is reffering to yesterday's thread that nitish started about CasaNova being a scammer how he did a job and dint get paid? and he is suggesting KWWH to start their own payment system so they can handle KWWH transactions?


    Quote Originally Posted by JJJ View Post
    Yeah. Try again please. I'd like to know what you mean by private accounts
    What he is trying to say is that, since many business minded people are in KWWH dealing business with people, monetarily. Only they end up not paying the programmer or worker because of certain reason or just because they are damn scammers. So why not KWWH open a private Paypal or AP account or whatsoever to solve this problem. When the deal is done between a client and worker, the client will deposit the payment $$ to KWWH account so that on completing the job, worker will get paid for doing his time on the job and client can't sue him for whatever not completing the job properly and bla bla bla.

    But I am not up with this idea, because it will be too complicated. The only remedy is that before taking some particular job, make sure you can satisfy the client and you are confident about it. Always ask proper and right questions before take the deal.

    I have done enough jobs on KWWH, and I got paid on time, and the client was satisfied by my work, if he is not satisfied with some part of the done work, I always have my reasons and I can make sure that he can't sue me.

    Moral: Your fault that the client is not satisfied. So suck the consequences up.
    most trusted guy in KWWH: ushare

    Respected Member
    Sue you? From a job on here? Enough jobs since Dec. 2010?

    Ok. Suing for jobs on here is ridiculous as filing fees let alone serving the papers costs would be way higher then any recovery.

    Programmers the main thing is if the code is completely different than anything available get a percentage up front. Never give them the code to try on their system. Test on yours.

    Customers make sure you are dealing with someone that has a good reputation and look at their posts to see if they are actually contributing anything to this board as far as programming in the language you want it coded in.

    No way to expect KWWH to handle this type of situation with cash. They barely can handle day to day disputes.

    Google Corp.
    Quote Originally Posted by rapidgen View Post
    MohaZone is basically saying why do people not state clearly what job they want done...and only when a programmer has already spent hours coding what they think someone wants, the client says 'no, that's not what i wanted'. so the owner asks for money for having wasting their time coding for nothing.

    @MohaZone i have seen this all too many times, i think it mainly down to lack of communication or language barriers, and other times, it's just plain stupidity and the programmer not asking the right questions. i don't really see how opening a seperate section for it is going to remedy the situation any further, maybe if the client<->programmer could communicate more effectively and do the job in pieces to let the client see how it's progressing would surely make for a better solution

    Quote Originally Posted by Quick Sand View Post

    i lawld

    please speak clearly
    lol my thoughts exactly

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