The mood is sombre at the North Pole where Santa Clause and his teams should be putting the last touches to Christmas gifts destined for children around the world.

Instead, the conveyor belts are still and the workshops silent.

In Operation Anti-Santa, some 6,750 US Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents of the Department of Homeland Security, backed by FBI and SPCA teams, raided Santa?s headquarters in the early hours of this morning, acting on an an anonymous tip-off.

The elves and dwarfs who?d normally be wrapping and labeling packages, stand in quiet groups, watched by armed ICE guards.

On the right, Clause is patted down for weapons before being flown for interrogation at a secret RIAA centre in the Bahamas.

More than 3,720,800 CDs, almost the same number of DVDs, disc burners, mini camcorders and ?other equipment used by people who steal music and movies and post them online? were seized, said RIAA under-boss Cary ?Tough Love? Sherman.

?The equipment would have been air-freighted by sleigh to secret underground facilities located in principal cities everywhere to be ripped on uploaded to illegal online sites.?

Asked who?d now deliver the Christmas toys, ?Clause should have thought of that before he chose to engage in illegal activities?, stated Hollywood Joe Biden, vice president of the United States of America.

?Federal law enforcement authorities have now hung a ?closed for business? sign on this notorious haven for copyright theft.?

The raid ?also makes clear that a priority of this Government is to protect American jobs and property rights?, said RIAA boss Mitch ?The Don? Bainwol, going on:

?On this day shortly before the Christmas holidays, the Obama Administration, led by Director Morton, Attorney General Holder and a team of dedicated ICE agents, have given notice that no one is immune.

?To those who may question this initiative ? who seemingly prefer online chaos to the rule of law ? I urge you to come forward with viable and effective mechanisms to contain the theft that is not only wrong, but devastating America?s artists and creative industries.?

According to acting MPAA CEO Bob ?Thumbs? Pisano, ?Operation Anti-Santa was an important first step toward helping protect the rights of content owners and the more than 2.4 million American jobs that depend on healthy motion picture and movie industries. We look forward to more actions like this one.

?Clause had cloaked himself in spurious respectability. We thank the Department of Justice and ICE for their efforts in addressing this serious problem.?

The reindeer will be humanely euthenised and Clause elves, imps and dwarfs re-located, says a joint RIAA/MPAA/ICE/FBI/SPCA statement.

Source: P2PNet
DeathKnell Reviewed by DeathKnell on . FBI, ICE, Agents In Operation Anti-Santa The mood is sombre at the North Pole where Santa Clause and his teams should be putting the last touches to Christmas gifts destined for children around the world. Instead, the conveyor belts are still and the workshops silent. In Operation Anti-Santa, some 6,750 US Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents of the Department of Homeland Security, backed by FBI and SPCA teams, raided Santa?s headquarters in the early hours of this morning, acting on an an anonymous tip-off. The Rating: 5