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    Default How to: Compiling PHP and Apache - cPanel

    In this tutorial I will teach you how to compile PHP and Apache with addons.

    Login to SSH and type in:

    Once that has loaded you will get an output like this:

    We want PHP Security. Use the down arrow button to go down and enter to select. Once you have selected PHP Security, press TAB and then use the right button to hover on 'Start customizing based on profile' and Enter to continue.

    Next we will be prompt with which version of Apache we would like to run. I would recommend Apache 2.2 because it is the latest version should run faster than 1.3 and 2.0. Press tab and press enter on Next Step.

    We will yet again be prompted. This time it is for which version of PHP we would like to run. I would again recommend the latest version. Hit tab and select Next Step. You will be asked in more detail which version of PHP you wish to run, I am currently running 5.2.9 and for this tutorial that is what we will be using. Tab, next step.

    A list of short options will be displayed. Here is what I have enabled:

    I suggest you enable to the same unless required software requires anything else on the list.

    Tab, Exhaustive Options list.

    I am going to screen the next 14 pages. You may select more than what I have if required. I would keep the amount of options you select as low as possible as enabled more than you need can open up your server to more vulnerabilities.

    For ^, you can enter any Save As, Profile Name and description name.
    Tab, Next step.

    Save and Build.

    PHP and Apache should now recompile with the addons you have selected.
    NationWebHost Reviewed by NationWebHost on . How to: Compiling PHP and Apache - cPanel In this tutorial I will teach you how to compile PHP and Apache with addons. Login to SSH and type in: /scripts/easyapache Once that has loaded you will get an output like this: We want PHP Security. Use the down arrow button to go down and enter to select. Once you have selected PHP Security, press TAB and then use the right button to hover on 'Start customizing based on profile' and Enter to continue. Rating: 5
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    This is good and all, but why not just use the web interface for easyapache?
    Bad Uploaders: mayank101, zer(0), UltimateUploader, immu, much more..

    You can use that but it is more likely that the dedi or VPS runs out of memory if you are on a low end dedi of VPS.
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    Alright, that makes sense. Anything less then a gb would probably benefit from using this.
    Bad Uploaders: mayank101, zer(0), UltimateUploader, immu, much more..

    Correct ^^

    However, if it's an small operation, you're better off doing it on WHM?

    You can do it in WHM small or big operation, it is just likely if you have less than 1GB or RAM it is likely that when you re-compile PHP and Apache your server will run out of memory. If it does, you go to step one and run basic then do the whole process as I've showed again. This is also a method of installing SuHosin.
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