I am looking for someone to help me add content to deletedism. The site itself is based around funny pictures/flash animations. (manly flash right now). It is a fully custom coded script by me. I will answer a few questions that you may have.

How do I add content?
Using my admincp (which is basically a content leecher) in a few clicks new content will be added to the site.

What are the few clicks?
You have to type a number in to leech, it will do everything else. Then you add some tags (keywords) about what is going on in the picture/animation.

What are the benefits?
I do plan to add some kind of ads when it gets large enough. Right now its in the building/growing stages and would be pointless. When it makes any kind of profit ill be sure to share it equally. Other then that I am not sure what to offer. It is a fun project, nothing more.

NOTE - As for leeching and other stuff I might change it up in the near future to allow guests to add tags, and just have it leech itself eliminating any adding content (making life easier), however I can't see it happening anytime soon.

Leave any questions or replies. I'm open to suggestions.
DeLeTeD Reviewed by DeLeTeD on . Add content to deletedism http://deletedism.com/style/logo.png I am looking for someone to help me add content to deletedism. The site itself is based around funny pictures/flash animations. (manly flash right now). It is a fully custom coded script by me. I will answer a few questions that you may have. How do I add content? Using my admincp (which is basically a content leecher) in a few clicks new content will be added to the site. What are the few clicks? You have to type a number in to leech, it will Rating: 5