XXX uploader with a site...need a changed badly. Site looks kinda rough now since my last template had a virus in it and damn near took my server provider out lol. So i half assed it and put my old template back up...Anyways looking for a wordpress template, 3 columns, posting backgorund must be black and site colors will are manily black, red, gold and grey.
Also would like a feature section that is image host friendly instead of me hosting the pics on my server...I'm a n00b to this so sorry if this goign according to the rules. site is
Any thing else just pm me..thanks!
kuyo Reviewed by kuyo on . Site Designer needed XXX uploader with a site...need a changed badly. Site looks kinda rough now since my last template had a virus in it and damn near took my server provider out lol. So i half assed it and put my old template back up...Anyways looking for a wordpress template, 3 columns, posting backgorund must be black and site colors will are manily black, red, gold and grey. Also would like a feature section that is image host friendly instead of me hosting the pics on my server...I'm a n00b to this so sorry Rating: 5