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11th Nov 2010, 04:09 PM #1OPBannedWebsite's:
EliteArchive.comDle Modules Code
I need some dle module code apart from these codes.If u have please share it here along with there name and function.
There are some code which I know
.If there are any further code/hacks please post it here.janu123 Reviewed by janu123 on . Dle Modules Code I need some dle module code apart from these codes.If u have please share it here along with there name and function. There are some code which I know {siteinfo} {lastcommb} {obmen} {topnews} {archives} {tags} {info}{content} {login} Rating: 5
11th Nov 2010, 04:12 PM #2Respected MemberWebsite's: Soft2050.inFirst of all {info}{content} are not any mods
secondly, there are over 50+ hacks/modules for dle.
what do u want to do with them? integrate with ea?
11th Nov 2010, 04:16 PM #3OPBannedWebsite's:{info}and{content} are for showing articles.Remove them from your template then see what happens.
I did not asked for number of codes if u want to know how many hacks are there go to engine>modules u will get names of all codes.
I asked if u know please give there codes here with there functions so that other people can know about it.
11th Nov 2010, 04:23 PM #4Respected MemberWebsite's: Soft2050.inlol
{info}{content} i know what they are
lol! but those are not any mods.
Modules are these:
Ok Ok!
But be sure to add the files also with them.
Because these modules are not by default:
{obmen} etc.
11th Nov 2010, 04:28 PM #5OPBannedWebsite's:
EliteArchive.comDon't spoil the thread with useless comments.If u knw some new codes just post them.I have already mentioned them.
11th Nov 2010, 04:35 PM #6Member
he's trying to tell your dumb ass that THOSE ARE NOT MODULES.
jeebus, listen and try to understand before you bitch.This is the staff, you have been banned
11th Nov 2010, 04:43 PM #7Respected MemberWebsite's: Soft2050.inHope You Got Your Answer.
Also, like this, there will be no use of it.
as obviously all modules need files to work.
{siteinfo} also needs files.
So, upload them first if you really want to share them...
12th Nov 2010, 01:03 AM #8OPBannedWebsite's:
Do one thing go to your cpanel then engine then modules.All php of modules are present (if u r using dle 8.5 or 9.0)there u just need to know there codes and put them in files.
12th Nov 2010, 11:28 AM #9Respected MemberWebsite's: Soft2050.inLOL!
There's No Connection between html codes and the file names.
The php codes can be changed any time from index.php
12th Nov 2010, 05:58 PM #10Member
soft, doesn't make sense replying anymore, you tried to explain, he just thinks he knows more.......
This is the staff, you have been banned
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