My site is back after a long down time & no further downtime's will be noticed. Added a new skin & have customized it a bit. Due to many problems faced in past we have made a new start again with the same domain name so we are in need of poster's for site.
Anyone AutoPoster/Multiposter can register on the site & start spreading your uploads.

Forum URL: http://devilsdivine.org/forum/

Site Ranking Details:
NexusDDL: 5*
AtomicWarez: 5*
Twilight: 4*
Katz: 3*
DDL0: 3*
& Submitting to more...

Traffic Details: Getting 2k-3k at present, should increase in few weeks. Also the Alexa will get better in a time white since the forum is started again few days back.

Below are the Forum ID's
Software = 9
AIO = 18
Games = 10
Console Games = 16
Movies = 11
TV Shows = 17
Music = 12
Music Videos = 19
Templates & Scripts = 13
eBooks = 14
Tutorials = 20
Mac & Other OSes = 15
This is not for paid uploaders, all are welcomed and spammers please stay away.

Note: Your comments & suggestions are always welcomed, PM me or reply here.

Thank you.
rohansakhale Reviewed by rohansakhale on . Require AutoPoster/Multiposter Hello, My site is back after a long down time & no further downtime's will be noticed. Added a new skin & have customized it a bit. Due to many problems faced in past we have made a new start again with the same domain name so we are in need of poster's for site. Anyone AutoPoster/Multiposter can register on the site & start spreading your uploads. Forum URL: http://devilsdivine.org/forum/ Site Ranking Details: NexusDDL: 5* AtomicWarez: 5* Twilight: 4* Rating: 5