BitShare is a new host that pays for uploading files.
From the creators of Freakshare.Net

We pay for ALL countries!
We pay you 25 % from referrals!
We have one payout tier for ALL traffic!
We have the highest payouts!

Earn up to 25 $ for every 1000 Downloads
We count downloads from all countries around the world
Upload via Browser, Remoteupload or our own Desktop Tool
We pay you 25 % of your referrals earnings
Unlimited downloads for free user for maximizing your earnings
Easy, quick and painless uploads via FTP



  1. United States, United Kingdom, Canada, Germany
  2. Australia, Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Ireland, Italy, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Saudi Arabia, Sweden, Switzerland, Spain, Luxembourg
  3. Portugal, Poland, Brazil, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Greece, Turkey, Hong Kong, Hungary, Iran, Japan, Kuwait, Latvia, Singapore, Lithuania, Qatar, Romania, Russia, South Africa
  4. All Others

Website Owners

Do you own a website? You could earn 5% of all accounts sold on your site!
Get 5% commission of all premium accounts sold through your site.

For every referrer that comes from your site and buys premium, you will get 5% of the accounts price.
No matter if download link is yours or you havve found it elsewhere! Post interesting download links in your site, blog or forum and earn big money.

If you want to start, go to "My Sites" and add your Website

Referral Program

You can earn money simply by inviting your friends to use our affiliate services.
What you need to do is to simply register to our site,and send your referral link from "My Referrals" page to your friends.
You will earn 25% of whatever they earn if they are registered to our site using your referral link .
royct Reviewed by royct on . BitShare 25$ - Upto $25 x 1000 downloads (Owners Freakshare's) BitShare is a new host that pays for uploading files. From the creators of Freakshare.Net We pay for ALL countries! We pay you 25 % from referrals! We have one payout tier for ALL traffic! We have the highest Rating: 5