I want to sell my File Mirroring Site.

The site: http://www.Uploadox.com

Domain registered at Godaddy at 26/02/10
The domain vaild until 26/02/12
Pages Indexed: 13
Alexa Rank: 3,020,491

Uploadox running with the powerful script, QOOY.
Uploadox upload to 15 different file hosts, it's have good looking design, Adsense compatible, Some features (like after upload, it gives links to forum) and more.
To run this type of site recommend VPS.

low traffic.

For the buyer:
I push free the domain via Godaddy.
Free Installation on your server.


Start - 55$ (Got BID of 50$)
Min Inc: 5$

Payment - Paypal.

MSN - aviv_amram@msn.com

ChaoscripT Reviewed by ChaoscripT on . PR1 File Mirror Site - Upload to 15 File Hosts Hi, I want to sell my File Mirroring Site. The site: http://www.Uploadox.com Domain: Domain registered at Godaddy at 26/02/10 The domain vaild until 26/02/12 Pages Indexed: 13 Alexa Rank: 3,020,491 Rating: 5