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    What is your domain name? We will take a look at it.
    Quote Originally Posted by goohman View Post
    Well, that explains why my site is down. I'm just wondering if I still pay the same I was paying before, lol.

    I noticed that my domain has changed nameservers already, but I cant seem to figure out why my "Server isn't found". If I need to contact you via email just let me know

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    I tried to login to cpanel via the old temp server IP I was given at first signup and I could see all my stuff, was that supposed to happen?

    Respected Developer
    Quote Originally Posted by Speakup View Post
    Thank you iMack for your kind words. Also we limit as I see you pulled that from or TOS. That is the only way we can get sites online with out overloading our servers. we wont let you down and we'll be the last hosting company you will ever use! That's a promise!
    I hope your not promoting that they will all become so stressed and anxious at the downtime and script issues on your server that they'll die of heart attacks?

    (figured I make it red so no one got offended)

    Anyway best of luck.

    Speak Up Hosting and The Hosting Palace will be closed for two to three days redoing their server. All sites hosted will stay hosted and online just no new orders unless by email. Have a nice day. More Updates later on.

    Hi SpeakUp, i have a warez forum with THP, that was being sponsered by iMack, however you are now incharge, do you have msn that we can communicate through?


    PM me for more info :)

    Quote Originally Posted by 007warez View Post
    Hi SpeakUp, i have a warez forum with THP, that was being sponsered by iMack, however you are now incharge, do you have msn that we can communicate through?
    No I do not PM it to me.

    Quote Originally Posted by Speakup View Post
    Speak Up Hosting and The Hosting Palace will be closed for two to three days redoing their server. All sites hosted will stay hosted and online just no new orders unless by email. Have a nice day. More Updates later on.
    What about the sites(or am I the only one) that are down since the move?

    Quote Originally Posted by goohman View Post
    What about the sites(or am I the only one) that are down since the move?
    If you transfered your name servers you should be online.

    Quote Originally Posted by Speakup View Post
    If you transfered your name servers you should be online.
    The name server was switched withou me knowing, I signed up for my domain with my hosting so idk how that goes. but nor I or anyone els can access my site.

    I can get on cpanel from the server ip I got on signup but thats about it.

    that seems a bit fishy to me considering we moves servers and all

    Yeah, I hope you are not keeping the same server/customer ratio.
    But good luck.
    ^^ Make yourself a bag of popcorn and click this picture ^^
    to enjoy watching Rodney Mullen skateboarding!

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