It is with much thought and regret that SQS Hosting is closing.
We thank all of our customers for their support, but it has been decided that as of the 14th August, this server will no longer be online.
All payments made in advance of this date will be refunded, and all monthly payments exceeding this date will recieve their percentage of payment back.
For example. 10 days left (based on a 30 day month) on a $10 plan = $3.33 returned.

We apologise for the inconvenience.
Please Note: You have 14 days to move your website. After this date, you will NOT be able to access this server.


SQS Hosting
jayfella Reviewed by jayfella on . SQS HOSTING - CLOSING Hi, It is with much thought and regret that SQS Hosting is closing. We thank all of our customers for their support, but it has been decided that as of the 14th August, this server will no longer be online. All payments made in advance of this date will be refunded, and all monthly payments exceeding this date will recieve their percentage of payment back. For example. 10 days left (based on a 30 day month) on a $10 plan = $3.33 returned. We apologise for the inconvenience. Please Rating: 5