Well I had the great opportunity to go on a 4 day trip to YALE to learn more about college, what to expect, etc. Well we are all curious, and we all know for a fact Colleges, Govt., etc Computers have the fastest internet speeds. So I decided to test YALE's while I had the chance. It was absolutely AMAZING!

Check it out!

I forgot to test on other speedtesting websites but you get the idea of how fast it is.
MasterDKR Reviewed by MasterDKR on . YALE University's SpeedTest Well I had the great opportunity to go on a 4 day trip to YALE to learn more about college, what to expect, etc. Well we are all curious, and we all know for a fact Colleges, Govt., etc Computers have the fastest internet speeds. So I decided to test YALE's while I had the chance. It was absolutely AMAZING! Check it out! http://www.speedtest.net/result/876131455.png I forgot to test on other speedtesting websites but you get the idea of how fast it is. Rating: 5