Site :

Staff needed:
1 Admin
2 Smods
and uploaders

These are not a paid positions at this time.

There are some pretty exciting things coming out on the site from the coders which should generator more members and activity.

For the admin and mod positions I would need to know what experience you have and someone to vouch for you, As I don't want to take any chances with malicious activity happening.

I also have a custom skin that should be going up anyday. I submit to katz and other ddls daily usually close to 40 each.

As far as benefits you will have access to tons of premium accounts, custom programs, and whatever else I can conjure up for you.

Uploaders requirements would be to post regularly fresh downloads. I wont set an amount because I know things happen but if you arent active you will be removed.

I am to make this site a community and not just another warez site.

I am also open to suggestion from anyone that is interested and wants to help the site out.
Xman Reviewed by Xman on . Staff Needed For a Growing Site. Site : Staff needed: 1 Admin 2 Smods and uploaders These are not a paid positions at this time. There are some pretty exciting things coming out on the site from the coders which should generator more members and activity. Rating: 5