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    Default Warez Linking in Sweden?

    I was wondering if anyone knew about warez linking in Sweden. Can BREIN still "get" you and are they more lenient on DMCA complaints? I'm basically looking for a dedicated server that won't lag the hell out and won't get pestered by BREIN or taken down every day due to DMCA complaints. I've contemplating on going with but I'm looking for cheaper alternatives because man, they're expensiveeee. Post your opinion here, I'll be grateful for it too

    - Geo
    Geocodes Reviewed by Geocodes on . Warez Linking in Sweden? I was wondering if anyone knew about warez linking in Sweden. Can BREIN still "get" you and are they more lenient on DMCA complaints? I'm basically looking for a dedicated server that won't lag the hell out and won't get pestered by BREIN or taken down every day due to DMCA complaints. I've contemplating on going with but I'm looking for cheaper alternatives because man, they're expensiveeee. Post your opinion here, I'll be grateful for it too:) - Geo Rating: 5

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    You can check their specials (

    How about hosting in Canada? I was thinking about

    OH GOD!!!!!
    Website's: will chase you out after a few complaints, trust me
    and i think theres a new tougher law in canada that just passed

    Canada is good for hosting torrent trackers but not warez linking

    technically you can link to warez in any country just depends on how long it will be till you get in trouble

    there is many warez sites hosted in the us etc.

    right now the place deemed safest is hongkong

    Quote Originally Posted by bxflow View Post will chase you out after a few complaints, trust me
    and i think theres a new tougher law in canada that just passed
    Is that from experience? I live in the Canada area so I would be easier for me to come into contact with the datacenter. Right now I'm thinking Shinjiru since they said they only care about DMCA shit from malaysia not from any other country. Are their speeds faster or slower than hong kong for their dedis?

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