I have seen many users shifting to fileserve, so why not writing this small tutorial

PHP Code: 
if [ "$1" ]; then
-"$1" ftp.fileserve.com --user Username:password
usage $thisfile filename.ext
1. save the above script as fileserve.sh (for example)

2. move it to directory /bin

3. In terminal, do (i'll need superuser or root privileges)
chmod +x /bin/fileserve.sh
4. Usage: fileserve.sh filename.ext

based on: http://www.besthostingforums.com/showthread.php?t=32893
Snell Reviewed by Snell on . [linux] Uploading to FileServe via curl I have seen many users shifting to fileserve, so why not writing this small tutorial thisfile=${0//'./'/""} if ; then curl -T "$1" ftp.fileserve.com --user Username:password else echo usage - $thisfile filename.ext fi Rating: 5