Everything is up and running again.
However, we identified a new bug yesterday that causes network performance to degrade over a period of time. To fix this, we need to upgrade our kernel to the latest version. This will mean that we will experience a scheduled downtime of up to 3 hours to rectify this and to make sure everything will be churning away as normal.
We will also take this opportunity to upgrade our MySQL version to the latest.
We will pull the servers off line at 3:30AM (GMT) today.

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So warez-bb uploaders go get some rest for 3 hours
EsotorisK Reviewed by EsotorisK on . WBB Uptime And Maintenance http://cdnpic.com/out.php/i2230_wbb-logo-v2.jpg Everything is up and running again. However, we identified a new bug yesterday that causes network performance to degrade over a period of time. To fix this, we need to upgrade our kernel to the latest version. This will mean that we will experience a scheduled downtime of up to 3 hours to rectify this and to make sure everything will be churning away as normal. We will also take this opportunity to upgrade our MySQL version to the Rating: 5