Hi i brought a vps yesterday..and want to sell few hosting accouns..intrested members pm me..

VPS Specs :-

1.5 GB DDR-3 Ram
2 ip?s (1 vps ip,1 for my personal use)
OS - Centros 5 64bit
100 mbps Unlimited
DC - NetDirekt,Germany

PM me if you want hosting..

* Plan : (Available For Few Customers)

5gb space
unlimited bandwith
other unlimited

$ 3/month..

* PM me for any custom plan..

Allowed - Warez Linking Sites (forums,blogs,etc) , Low Traffic Proxy Sites , Nulled Scripts,Torrents, Rs2Rs ..

Not Allowed - High Server Resource Consuming Scripts , Porn ,Rapidleech

Pm me if you want to know anything or want to buy

Added after 3 Days 12 Hours:

Bump price reduced to $3/month

Added after 11 Hours 29 minutes:

Anyone Intrested ??
Pyth0n Reviewed by Pyth0n on . Webhosting On My Vps.. Hi i brought a vps yesterday..and want to sell few hosting accouns..intrested members pm me.. VPS Specs :- i7-Core 1.5 GB DDR-3 Ram 80 GB HDD 2 ip?s (1 vps ip,1 for my personal use) OS - Centros 5 64bit 100 mbps Unlimited Rating: 5