Hello fellow webmasters,

I am happy to present some new Submission Tools that I created the last 2 days. Before I continue to introduce them any further I would like to thank all the KWWH webmasters who have helped me by allowing to test the scripts on their servers.

Let's continue to the submission tools:

What's the advantage of these tools?
The biggest advantage of these tools is that it will save you ALOT of time.
No more filling in every field (title, url) for every single download you want to submit to Twilight.ws.

It auto fetches the last x amount of downloads that you define in the settings file from the guest section (or the one that you tell it to fetch topics from) and provide you with the easy option to add them to your submission form. (Gotta love AJAX)

What is supported?

I have decided to code these tools up for vBulletin, phpBB2, phpBB3 and IPB. They support both single forums and subforums cauze some forums only have 1 Guest Download Section and other ones have subforums for each category (Guest Applications, Guest Movies, ...).

Is it easy to install?
Yes they are very easy to install, I tried to make it as noob-proof as possible. Simply visit the Submission Tools page , download the type of tool depending on the type of your website. Within each RAR package you will find a readme file that contains all the instructions.
In short: Edit settings.php -> upload to your site -> Ready

Since it's the first release it's always possible that there are still a few bugs present that haven't come to my attention yet. If you come across any don't hesitate to PM me about them.

Things that are going to be added for the next release:

Thank you all, I hope this encourages you all even more for submitting downloads to Twilight.ws.
Feel free to post some suggestions/feedback in this topic.

Whoo Reviewed by Whoo on . Twilight.ws Submission Tools - phpBB2/phpBB3/vBulletin/IPB http://i27.tinypic.com/wrl83s.jpg Hello fellow webmasters, I am happy to present some new Submission Tools that I created the last 2 days. Before I continue to introduce them any further I would like to thank all the KWWH webmasters who have helped me by allowing to test the scripts on their servers. Let's continue to the submission tools: What's the advantage of these tools? The biggest advantage of these tools is that it will save you ALOT of time. Rating: 5