I was just wondering how come no p2p survey was published over the last…three weeks (?) when I came across the first “comprehensive survey” of illegal P2P conducted in Ireland and reported by Zeropaid.

Alan Hannaway, the man behind the new study, a researcher at Ireland’s UCD Centre for Cybercrime Investigation (CCI) says that during a single week he found 64,152 IP addresses that were allegedly conducting illegal file sharing over the Internet.

Created in its current form about four years ago, CCI was meant as an institution for training cybercrime investigators and prepare them for the worst in digital criminality. Apparently the worst thing out there are downloaders who don’t even use the content for any commercial gain but for personal use so forget about child pornograpgy, digital theft and other minor cybercrimes. Get those damn file sharers instead!

In a interview to the Irish Times, Hannaway stated that the results obtained through the newly developed software that is “faster and more accurate” than its predecessors follow changes and improvements brought to the original research.

“We took our core research and tweaked it so it would work on these networks and we have a system that can very quickly identify with a certain level of accuracy the peers that are showing these contents at any point in time,” he says. “This was originally a piece of research. We didn’t think that this would have a commercial application, but we have interest from companies that have lost money because of illegal downloading.”

Yet, the new program has something in common with previous software – they share the same shortcoming of not being able to identify the actual individual responsible for the copyright infringement but merely an IP address and since Wi-Fi theft has increased (and will increase even more if ‘three strikes’ law will be further applied or implemented where it’s still pending) it doesn’t prove of much help either.

Source: P2P ON!
DeathKnell Reviewed by DeathKnell on . 65,000 Irish Download Files Illegally Every Week, Says Study I was just wondering how come no p2p survey was published over the last…three weeks (?) when I came across the first “comprehensive survey” of illegal P2P conducted in Ireland and reported by Zeropaid. Alan Hannaway, the man behind the new study, a researcher at Ireland’s UCD Centre for Cybercrime Investigation (CCI) says that during a single week he found 64,152 IP addresses that were allegedly conducting illegal file sharing over the Internet. Created in its current form about four Rating: 5