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    Super Member

    Lightbulb Allow reputation to be given

    I think it would be a good idea if we did the reputation system as you can see who is liked and would have a better judgement of that person, quite a lot of times i've wanted to give good rep to mods and general members but I can't
    Sp32 Reviewed by Sp32 on . Allow reputation to be given I think it would be a good idea if we did the reputation system as you can see who is liked and would have a better judgement of that person, quite a lot of times i've wanted to give good rep to mods and general members but I can't Rating: 5

    So kiss me and smile for me, say that you'll wait for me <'3

  2.   Sponsored Links

    mmm mmm!
    I think the reputation would be abused.

    I vote no
    HATERS GONNA probably bring up some valid points considering I am an ignorant little twat so far up my own ass that i blame my problems on everyone and if you criticize me you're automatically wrong.

    Super Member
    It would be abused for a reason though..

    + You can't give the same person rep unless you've gave others rep first

    So kiss me and smile for me, say that you'll wait for me <'3

    I would make an account, and give that account alot of reputation, because i can't give negative reputation to phamous in a row.

    Super Member
    Well there goes this idea.. o.o

    So kiss me and smile for me, say that you'll wait for me <'3

    mmm mmm!
    Then you need something to detect multiple accounts (auto ban!!!)
    HATERS GONNA probably bring up some valid points considering I am an ignorant little twat so far up my own ass that i blame my problems on everyone and if you criticize me you're automatically wrong.

    Nah forget the rep system add the itrader hack

    No rep. Rep system = bad.

    This could only work if staff would give out rep.

    Google Corp.
    dont add it, it would be abused by the countless number of pricks on this forum.

    Quote Originally Posted by SLiMRiDER View Post
    This could only work if staff would give out rep.
    the staff are also biased.
    Life asked Death: "Why do people love me, but hate you?"
    Death responded: "Because you're a beautiful lie and I'm the painful truth."

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