[TUT] Switch Photos to Avatars (IPB 3.x)

Description: This will make it so all global photo variables show as avatar pictures instead. Meaning, all your members will have only one picture choice for their profiles.

1. http://i49.tinypic.com/4pvwp5.png
2. http://i49.tinypic.com/14jukg8.png
3. http://i45.tinypic.com/15z2lp3.png

Edit Time: ~ 5 Minutes

Step 0: Please make sure you backup your files.

Step 1: Open admin/sources/base/core.php

Step 2: Find (Line 7071):
$member['pp_thumb_photo'] = ipsRegistry::$settings['upload_url'] . '/' . $member['pp_thumb_photo'];
Step 3: Replace with:
					$member['pp_thumb_photo']  = $member['avatar_location']; // all popup javascript arrows will show avatar pictures
Step 4: Find (Line 7093 - 7102):
			// Mini

			$_data = IPSLib::scaleImage( array( 'max_height' => 25, 'max_width' => 25, 'cur_width' => $member['pp_thumb_width'], 'cur_height' => $member['pp_thumb_height'] ) );

			$member['pp_mini_photo']  = $member['pp_thumb_photo'];
			$member['pp_mini_width']  = $_data['img_width'];
			$member['pp_mini_height'] = $_data['img_height'];
Step 5: Add after:
//Force ALL photos to be avatars.
if(!empty($member['avatar_location']) && basename($member['pp_main_photo']) === 'default_large.png'){
			$member['pp_main_photo'] = $member['avatar_location'];
			$member['pp_thumb_photo'] = $member['avatar_location'];
			$member['pp_mini_photo'] = $member['avatar_location'];
			$member['fb_photo'] = $member['avatar_location'];
			$member['fb_photo_thumb'] = $member['avatar_location'];
Step 6: Save, Upload & Replace

Extras: If you want a default avatar to show for every user, just follow In Flame's instructions.

Quote Originally Posted by InFlames! View Post
try this:

1. Go to your FTP server: /public/style_avatars
2. Delete: blank_avatar.gif
3. Upload your default avatar to: /public/style_avatars
4. Rename it to: blank_avatar.gif
5. Go to your Admin CP: Look & Feel -> IP.Board (or your skin set) -> Templates -> Global Templates -> userInfoPane
6. Find:
        <else />
            <li class='avatar'>{$author['avatar']}</li>
7. Replace with:
        <else />
            <li class='avatar'><a href="{parse url="showuser={$author['member_id']}" template="showuser" seotitle="{$author['members_seo_name']}" base="public"}" title="{$this->lang->words['view_profile']}"><img src="{$this->settings['public_dir']}/style_avatars/blank_avatar.gif" alt=""></a></li>
Golden Falcon Reviewed by Golden Falcon on . [TUT] Switch Photos to Avatars (IPB 3.x) Switch Photos to Avatars (IPB 3.x) Description: This will make it so all global photo variables show as avatar pictures instead. Meaning, all your members will have only one picture choice for their profiles. Results 1. http://i49.tinypic.com/4pvwp5.png 2. http://i49.tinypic.com/14jukg8.png 3. http://i45.tinypic.com/15z2lp3.png Edit Time: ~ 5 Minutes Rating: 5