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    Wink [Help] How to Show Ads Only to Visitors Coming from Search Engines

    Hello Friends, i am here to get some help from you !

    I have a vbulletin forum and I want to show my forum ads only to search engine users like google, yahoo or bing...

    I know this is possible but i don't know how to use it so please if any one know this then please share this with me and i think many other users also will like this tooo.

    Here i have a code for Wordpress but not for vBulletin (If any one can convert this for vbulletin it will be highly appreciated.

    First, you have to create a function. paste the code below in your theme functions.php file. Create that file if it doesn't exists.
    PHP Code: 
    function scratch99_fromasearchengine(){
    $ref $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'];
    $SE = array('/search?''''''search.''''''/search/''.yahoo.');
      foreach (
    $SE as $source) {
        if (
    strpos($ref,$source)!==false) return true;

    The $SE array is where you specify search engines. You can easily ad new search engines by adding new elements to the array.
    Then, paste the following code anywhere on your template where you want your adsense ads to appear. They'll be displayed only to visitors comming from search engines results.
    PHP Code: 
    if (function_exists('scratch99_fromasearchengine')) {
      if (
    scratch99_fromasearchengine()) {

    ashutariyal Reviewed by ashutariyal on . [Help] How to Show Ads Only to Visitors Coming from Search Engines Hello Friends, i am here to get some help from you ! I have a vbulletin forum and I want to show my forum ads only to search engine users like google, yahoo or bing... I know this is possible but i don't know how to use it so please if any one know this then please share this with me and i think many other users also will like this tooo. Here i have a code for Wordpress but not for vBulletin (If any one can convert this for vbulletin it will be highly appreciated. First, you have to Rating: 5
    403 Forbidden Error

  2.   Sponsored Links

    just ad the function as a plugin

    Go to Plugins & Products->Add New Plugin

    Hook Location:global_start
    Title: "What you want" for example se ads
    Plugin PHP Code :
    PHP Code: 
    function scratch99_fromasearchengine(){
    $ref $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'];
    $SE = array('/search?''''''search.''''''/search/''.yahoo.');
      foreach (
    $SE as $source) {
        if (
    strpos($ref,$source)!==false) return true;
    if (
    function_exists('scratch99_fromasearchengine')) {
      if (
    scratch99_fromasearchengine()) {
    $se_ads='your ad';

    Activate it.

    Than go to Styles & Templates->Style Manager->Edit templates and add $se_ads where you want to show the ads

    You are awsome mate... many thanks to you....
    403 Forbidden Error

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