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29th Mar 2018, 07:43 AM #1
PHP Code:<?php
class smtp
const NL = "\r\n";
const READY = '220';
const OK = '250';
const TEXT64 = '334';
const AUTHOK = '235';
const DATAOK = '354';
const BYE = '221';
const MAILER = 'PHP smtp class';
protected $_smtp = null;
protected $_server = array(
'host' => null,
'port' => 25,
'timeout' => 3,
protected $_user;
protected $_pass;
protected $_charset = 'UTF-8';
protected $_from;
protected $_mailFrom = null;
protected $_replyTo = array();
protected $_to = array();
protected $_cc = array();
protected $_bcc = array();
protected $_priority;
protected $_headers = array();
protected $_subject;
protected $_text = array(
'body' => '',
'Content-Type' => 'text/plain',
'charset' => 'UTF-8'
protected $_attachments = array();
protected $_raw = array();
protected $_log = '';
function _encode($W)
if ($this->_charset)
return '=?' . $this->_charset . '?B?' . base64_encode($W) . '?=';
return $W;
function _recipients($N, $O, $K)
if (in_array($K, array(
if ($O)
if ($N) $this->
$K}[$O] = $N;
if (isset($this->
$K}[$O])) unset($this->
if ($N) $this->
$K}[] = $N;
else throw new Exception('Wrong recipient');
function _dialog($Q, $d)
$this->_log.= $Q . PHP_EOL;
fwrite($this->_smtp, $Q . self::NL);
$F = fgets($this->_smtp);
$this->_log.= $F . PHP_EOL;
if (substr($F, 0, 3) != $d) throw new Exception('Message "' . $Q . '" NOT accepted! Here is the dialog dump:' . PHP_EOL . $this->_log);
return $F;
function _connect()
if (empty($this->_smtp))
if ($this->_smtp = fsockopen($this->_server['host'], $this->_server['port'], $e, $a, $this->_server['timeout']))
if (substr($F = fgets($this->_smtp) , 0, 3) != self::READY) throw new Exception('Server NOT ready! The server responded with this message:' . PHP_EOL . $F);
$this->_log = $F . PHP_EOL;
$f = explode('@', $this->_from['address']);
$this->_dialog('HELO ' . $f[1], self::OK);
if ($this->_user && $this->_pass)
$this->_dialog('auth login', self::TEXT64);
$this->_dialog($this->_user, self::TEXT64);
$this->_dialog($this->_pass, self::AUTHOK);
$A = 'Unable to connect to ' . $this->_server['host'] . ' on port ' . $this->_server['port'] . ' within ' . $this->_server['timeout'] . ' seconds' . PHP_EOL;
if (!empty($a)) $A.= 'The remote server responded:' . PHP_EOL . $a . '(' . $e . ')';
throw new Exception($A);
function __construct($X, $Y = 25, $b = 3)
if (empty($X)) throw new Exception('Undefined SMTP server');
$this->_server['host'] = (string)$X;
if ($Y) $this->_server['port'] = (integer)$Y;
if ($b) $this->_server['timeout'] = (integer)$b;
function __destruct()
$this->_dialog('QUIT', self::BYE);
if ($this->_smtp) fclose($this->_smtp);
function auth($n, $g)
$this->_user = base64_encode($n);
$this->_pass = base64_encode($g);
function charset($E)
$this->_charset = (string)$E;
function from($J = null, $B = '')
if (null !== $J)
$this->_from['address'] = (string)$J;
$this->_from['name'] = (string)$B;
return $this->_from;
function mailFrom($V = null)
if (null !== $V) $this->_mailFrom = (string)$V;
return $this->_mailFrom;
function replyTo($Z = null, $B = null)
if (null !== $Z)
$this->_replyTo['address'] = (string)$Z;
$this->_replyTo['name'] = (string)$B;
return $this->_replyTo;
function to($m = null, $l = '')
$this->_recipients($m, $l, '_to');
return $this->_to;
function cc($i = null, $h = '')
$this->_recipients($i, $h, '_cc');
return $this->_cc;
function bcc($j = null, $k = '')
$this->_recipients($j, $k, '_bcc');
return $this->_bcc;
function priority($G = null)
if ($G)
$G = (integer)$G;
if (($G > 0) && ($G < 6)) $this->_priority = $G;
else throw new Exception('Priority are integer from 1 (low) to 5 (high)');
return $this->_priority;
function header($B = null, $P = null)
if ($B) $this->_headers[(string)$B] = (string)$P;
return $this->_headers;
function subject($U = null)
if (null !== $U) $this->_subject = (string)$U;
return $this->_subject;
function text($T = null, $I = 'text/plain', $E = 'utf-8')
if (null !== $T)
$this->_text = array(
'body' => str_replace("\n", self::NL, (string)$T) ,
'Content-Type' => $I,
'charset' => $E
return $this->_text;
function attachment($L = null, $B = '', $I = 'application/octet-stream', $E = 'utf-8')
if (is_readable($L))
$R = array(
'path' => (string)$L,
'Content-Type' => (string)$I,
'charset' => (string)$E
$B || ($B = pathinfo($L, PATHINFO_BASENAME));
$this->_attachments[$B] = $R;
elseif (!empty($L)) throw new Exception('File ' . $L . ' not found or not readable');
return $this->_attachments;
function raw($S = null, $B = '', $I = 'text/plain', $E = 'utf-8')
if ($S)
$R = array(
'content' => (string)$S,
'Content-Type' => (string)$I,
'charset' => (string)$E
if (empty($B)) $B = time() . '-' . mt_rand();
$this->_raw[$B] = $R;
return $this->_raw;
function clear()
$this->_to = array();
$this->_cc = array();
$this->_bcc = array();
$this->_headers = array();
$this->_attachments = array();
$this->_raw = array();
function send()
if (empty($this->_from)) throw new Exception('Sender undefined');
if (empty($this->_to) && empty($this->_cc) && empty($this->_bcc)) throw new Exception('No recipients');
if (empty($this->_subject)) throw new Exception('No subject');
if (empty($this->_text)) throw new Exception('No message text');
if ($this->_mailFrom) $J = $this->_mailFrom;
else $J = $this->_from['address'];
$this->_dialog('MAIL FROM:<' . $J . '>', self::OK);
foreach($this->_to as $C) $this->_dialog('RCPT TO:<' . $C . '>', self::OK);
foreach($this->_cc as $C) $this->_dialog('RCPT TO:<' . $C . '>', self::OK);
foreach($this->_bcc as $C) $this->_dialog('RCPT TO:<' . $C . '>', self::OK);
$this->_dialog('DATA', self::DATAOK);
$A = '';
if (empty($this->_from['name'])) $A.= 'From: <' . $this->_from['address'] . '>' . self::NL;
else $A.= 'From: "' . $this->_encode($this->_from['name']) . '"<' . $this->_from['address'] . '>' . self::NL;
if (!empty($this->_replyTo))
if (empty($this->_replyTo['name'])) $A.= 'Reply-To: <' . $this->_replyTo['address'] . '>' . self::NL;
else $A.= 'Reply-To: "' . $this->_encode($this->_replyTo['name']) . '"<' . $this->_replyTo['address'] . '>' . self::NL;
foreach($this->_to as $B => $C)
if (is_integer($B)) $A.= 'To: <' . $C . '>' . self::NL;
else $A.= 'To: "' . $this->_encode($B) . '"<' . $C . '>' . self::NL;
foreach($this->_cc as $B => $C)
if (is_integer($B)) $A.= 'Cc: <' . $C . '>' . self::NL;
else $A.= 'Cc: "' . $this->_encode($B) . '"<' . $C . '>' . self::NL;
foreach($this->_bcc as $B => $C)
if (is_integer($B)) $A.= 'Bcc: <' . $C . '>' . self::NL;
else $A.= 'Bcc: "' . $this->_encode($B) . '"<' . $C . '>' . self::NL;
if ($this->_priority) $A.= 'X-Priority: ' . $this->_priority . self::NL;
$A.= 'X-mailer: ' . self::MAILER . self::NL;
$A.= 'X-mailer-author: ' . self::MAILER_AUTHOR . self::NL;
foreach($this->_headers as $B => $P) $A.= $B . ': ' . $P . self::NL;
$A.= 'Date: ' . date('r') . self::NL;
$A.= 'Subject: ' . $this->_encode($this->_subject) . self::NL;
if ($this->_attachments || $this->_raw)
$M = hash('sha256', time());
$A.= 'MIME-Version: 1.0' . self::NL;
$A.= 'Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary=' . $M . self::NL;
$A.= self::NL;
$A.= 'This is a message with multiple parts in MIME format.' . self::NL;
$A.= '--' . $M . self::NL;
$A.= 'Content-Type: ' . $this->_text['Content-Type'] . '; charset=' . $this->_text['charset'] . self::NL;
$A.= self::NL;
$A.= $this->_text['body'] . self::NL;
foreach($this->_attachments as $B => $D)
$A.= '--' . $M . self::NL;
$A.= 'Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=' . $B . '; modification-date="' . date('r', filemtime($D['path'])) . '"' . self::NL;
if (substr($D['Content-Type'], 0, 5) == 'text/')
$A.= 'Content-Type: ' . $D['Content-Type'] . '; charset=' . $D['charset'] . self::NL;
$A.= self::NL;
$A.= file_get_contents($D['path']) . self::NL;
$A.= 'Content-Type: ' . $D['Content-Type'] . self::NL;
$A.= 'Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64' . self::NL;
$A.= self::NL;
$A.= base64_encode(file_get_contents($D['path'])) . self::NL;
foreach($this->_raw as $B => $H)
$A.= '--' . $M . self::NL;
$A.= 'Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=' . $B . '; modification-date="' . date('r') . '"' . self::NL;
if (substr($H['Content-Type'], 0, 5) == 'text/')
$A.= 'Content-Type: ' . $H['Content-Type'] . '; charset=' . $H['charset'] . self::NL;
$A.= self::NL;
$A.= $H['content'] . self::NL;
$A.= 'Content-Type: ' . $H['Content-Type'] . self::NL;
$A.= 'Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64' . self::NL;
$A.= self::NL;
$A.= base64_encode($H['content']) . self::NL;
$A.= '--' . $M . '--' . self::NL;
$A.= 'Content-Type: ' . $this->_text['Content-Type'] . '; charset=' . $this->_text['charset'] . self::NL;
$A.= self::NL . $this->_text['body'] . self::NL;
$A.= '.';
$c = $this->_dialog($A, self::OK);
return substr($c, 4);
function dump()
return $this->_log;
Advanced usage
- multiple recipients
- To, Cc, Bcc recipients
- named recipients
- separate 'MAIL FROM' management
- Reply-To management
- priority management
- custom headers
- Content-Type equipped text (e.g. text/html)
- attachments from file
- attachments from string
- binary attachments (from file or string)
- Content-Type full management, per part
- multiple dispatches in one connection
Kepler Reviewed by Kepler on . PHP SMTP Client <?php class smtp { const NL = "\r\n"; const READY = '220'; const OK = '250'; const TEXT64 = '334'; const AUTHOK = '235'; const DATAOK = '354'; Rating: 5
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