In this post, I will tell you how you can upgrade to PHP-fpm on an existing server with Apache. To make it easier, I wrote a script for centos 6.7.

  1. First install PHP-FPM with the Vesta config files.
  2. Edit the Vesta config file.
  3. Edit vesta domain config files (templates).
  4. Remove existing config files (/home/username/conf/web/)
  5. Rebuild users
  6. Remove apache

Tip:�First take backups of your configuration files!
After the upgrade, I noticed that PHP version has been decreased from 5.4 to 5.3. phpMyAdmin and RoundCube also stopped working.I have PHP upgraded to 5.6 and reinstalled phpMyAdmin and RoundCube.

run as root:
wget ”″ -O
After the upgrade, you need to log out to you admin panel.Also, all the templates are replaced with the default.

Upgrade php:
rpm -Uvh
yum install yum-plugin-replace
yum replace php-common –replace-with=php56w-common
and reinstall phpmyadmin and roundcube

Attention! This does not always work correctly. There may be a lot of bugs. Run at your risk. First take backups !!
thebestblackh Reviewed by thebestblackh on . VestaCP upgrade instructions for apache to php-fpm CentOS - KWWHOSTING.COM In this post, I will tell you how you can upgrade to PHP-fpm on an existing server with Apache. To make it easier, I wrote a script for centos 6.7. First install PHP-FPM with the Vesta config files. Edit the Vesta config file. Edit vesta domain config files (templates). Remove existing config files (/home/username/conf/web/) Rebuild users Remove apache Rating: 5