To setup the cron jobs for ABK software such as: abledating or ablespace follow the instructions below.
Login to your cPanel by going to (be sure to replace with your actual domain)
Then click on the Cron Jobs icon.
Then choose Standard
Then place the following commands in the command field:

/usr/local/bin/php -q /home/username/public_html/_cron/hide.php
/usr/local/bin/php -q /home/username/public_html/_cron/gold.php
NOTE: in the above commands replace the word 'username' with your cpanel user name.
that is it, you have now set the two cron jobs!
Areon Reviewed by Areon on . How to Set Cron jobs for ABK software? To setup the cron jobs for ABK software such as: abledating or ablespace follow the instructions below. Login to your cPanel by going to (be sure to replace with your actual domain) Then click on the Cron Jobs icon. Then choose Standard Then place the following commands in the command field: NOTE: in the above commands replace the word 'username' with your cpanel user name. that is it, you have now set the two cron jobs! Rating: 5