When it comes to selling on Clickbank, the same rules apply when it comes to selling anything else online. And do you know what “Clickbank” is and how it can help boost your business? Well, Clickbank is an affiliate marketplace where people can go to promote a product for free, and get high commissions for every sale that they make.

This has tremendous advantages. Affiliates get to start their own online business in their spare time, they don’t have to build a site, make a product, learn copywriting, or even learn how to sell. All of these things are already inherent and built into the Clickbank affiliate lifestyle.

So if you’ve been considering Clickbank as a way to earn some extra income online, then today’s lesson is just for you. There are many Clickbank affiliates who are earning nice 6-figure incomes using the techniques I’m about to reveal to you. If you can use these strategies too, you’ll be on the path to having success simply and easily with Clickbank. Here’s the first strategy you should use:

1) Squeeze page system

If you choose to sell a $300 product from Clickbank, it’s best to lead your visitors to something called a “squeeze page”. A squeeze page is simply a very small website that is geared towards getting someone to sign up for your opt-in email newsletter, and continue marketing to them over and over again.

This has many benefits. First off, you can increase your conversion rates. If you lead 100 raw visitors to your sales page for your product offer, you will more than likely get a less than 1% conversion rate. If you build a targeted email list of 100 subscribers, and continue to market to them over a period of 3 months… it’s very easy to get a 3% response rate from this list. And this is pivotal especially if you have a good priced product to sell.

Squeeze pages have been proven to work, and I think it’s something that you should implement in your business. The more leads you get, the more money you will make, and the more predictable your income will become. Keep this in mind as you promote your affiliate product. Here’s another good strategy:

2) A pre-sell page

A pre-sell page is simple a website or webpage designed to condition you or give you a review of the Clickbank product you’re promoting. When done right, this can yield impressive results also. There are many people online doing this with accurate precision, and because of it, they get alot of sales and commissions each and everyday.

Try not to make your pre-sell page sound like a sales page. Writing in first or third person is fine depending on the approach you want to take. When someone lands on your squeeze page, make sure they are getting a review about a product that they’re looking for, or about a product that can be their solution.

When it comes to Clickbank, you can become profitable, and make alot of money. It’s up to you to decide which strategy to use, because both work. Test both in your business, and see which one works best for you.

Good luck with marketing and selling with Clickbank today.
GarryField Reviewed by GarryField on . 2 Marketing Techniques For The Clickbank Affiliate When it comes to selling on Clickbank, the same rules apply when it comes to selling anything else online. And do you know what “Clickbank” is and how it can help boost your business? Well, Clickbank is an affiliate marketplace where people can go to promote a product for free, and get high commissions for every sale that they make. This has tremendous advantages. Affiliates get to start their own online business in their spare time, they don’t have to build a site, make a product, Rating: 5