I created a custom alert box using css and jquery, the css_alert box has an "Cross sign" button inside css_alert box, it fadesout (closes) the box when clicked. I want to store this css_alert box function in seperate .js file so that i can simply link this script in every other php pages. When i do that, the click event of the cross button inside css_alert box doesn't work. But, it works perfectly when the script is available in the page itself i.e not linked externally. Please help me to fix this.

18folder Reviewed by 18folder on . Issue with jquery external linking I created a custom alert box using css and jquery, the css_alert box has an "Cross sign" button inside css_alert box, it fadesout (closes) the box when clicked. I want to store this css_alert box function in seperate .js file so that i can simply link this script in every other php pages. When i do that, the click event of the cross button inside css_alert box doesn't work. But, it works perfectly when the script is available in the page itself i.e not linked externally. Please help me to fix Rating: 5