Quote Originally Posted by cvrle77 View Post
I cannot speak in other's people name, I can speak on a general level, and my own name.

However, there's one thing that you are not right about. Users always complained on something regarding moderators decisions. Even I did, when I was user, and was banned for 7 days.

However, as I said, some people find it quite hard to fit in few lines of rules. No one will touch you, if you act normal, and your behavior, and attitude is kept on a decent level, even when shit is thrown in your direction sometimes.
But, difference in positions here is, that shit is thrown at us all the time, and all staff have to deal with is crap. To moderate crap. And sometimes, when we even feel a bit of it, when dealing with tons of reports, scammers, we pull innocent people in that pile. It happens. Rarely, but it does.
We have to weed who's intentions are good, measure what user previously contributed, check if he has bad history, etc, etc, etc. There's TONS of things we measure, before kicking someone, or give infraction. Most of the time, those who are complaining, have 3-6 pages of infractions, but hey, they are still here. Even with their unacceptable behavior, 0 contribution, they are still given the opportunity to use this forum.

All this infraction thing is blown up out of proportions. Infractions are meant to warn you, that you are doing something that is not acceptable here. That means, that you should pay attention on what you are doing, and stop doing it, and not trying to fight it. It is a warning system, not a punishment. Ban is punishment, for repeated, unacceptable behavior, when infractions simply do not give desired effect.
The general level sounds good theoretically but thats not what is happening. Talking about infractions, indeed infractions are a sign of warning that something you did wasn't acceptable but when infractions are given out for the smallest thing, it becomes abuse eh.

Let's change scenario, you're in a school, you called your friend who is a prefect an asshole, you get a warning letter. However when that prefect has a problem with you and calls you a dumb ass, it's perfectly fine? Yes, that's the difference between mods and members - mods have the power to do whatever they want but actually taking advantage of that power is where the problem arises.

The members are not fighting over the infractions they have received, they are fighting about the abuse. I have received one infraction and that for going off-topic yet I am sharing my opinion here when I don't have anything to "fight for".

Lastly, about members with 0 contributions and having tons of infractions yet not banned(the "asshole). You know this just means there is something wrong with the moderation then. If someone contributing and hardly has any infractions gets banned for the silliest of mistakes and the "asshole" is still around shows that there is room for improvement.

All I am saying is stop the abuse, everything is good in moderation. Don't over-do it otherwise it would just piss members off. Unless, of course that's what the KWWH administration is looking for.

Quote Originally Posted by cvrle77 View Post
Robert, please do read the part about tolerance.

Else, staff team would fall apart, and KWWH would stop existing...

We are being bullied by users, more than all of you together are being bullied by us.
We are tolerating most of it. You're not tolerating anything. That's the main difference.
There's no thread in this forum: moderator being bullied by member, if you haven't noticed.
Explain the forum-seller thread? He made a simple service thread and in return he gets bashed and out of no where, his site is brought into the middle and that gets bashed too?