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    mods be trippin.

    ---------- Post added at 03:06 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:05 PM ----------

    Quote Originally Posted by robert420 View Post
    I got an infraction by Phamous yesterday for posting in this thread the reason that was given for the infraction it stating for being a dumbass.

    Dumbass was the reason that was given has the infraction now if I call him out his name I'll get banned for it. So if staff want to be taken seriously they should treat all members with respect not disrespect members.

    They wonder why they're losing traffic cause nobody wants to sign-up on a forum were staff is going to be rude has hell.


    My post is going to get deleted anyways.

    Staff can speak there mind but if we speak our mind = Banned / Infraction for us WTF

    If we can't speak our mind remove the feedback suggestions since we users can't make suggestion of what needs to be changed an order to make this place better instead our post get removed then with get infraction by Nazi Staff.
    Was that post you made yesterday removed?

    i got 4 infractions before in the space of a few mins.The pic says it all really.

    Yep DJ Mad that was the post I had posted yesterday that got removed then infracted for it.

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    Here is my opinion

    Mods needs to stop deleting post even if it's not true and reply to it, so everyone can understand and admin needs to take this issue seriously or they will be the only ones on the forum

    Mods should've a better attitude not that attitude that says I get bully at school but now I've the power to give you infractions / ban.

    If mods have a good attitude then members would also have a good attitude with alot of more resepect to staff but if moderators are disrespecting members on Chatbox / PM's then that shows other user they can disrespect other users cause the moderator are doing it.

    Like the old slain goes be a leader not a follower.

    Respected Member
    I feel mods should probably stay away from this topic. Let us have some freedom in this thread atleast.

    But yes, people must know their limits.

    Waiting for your opinions Hawk/Loger/Capone.

    Here's the other side of story you may not know, or you didn't bothered to know

    It's so easy being a regular user on KWWH (some people find it quite hard to fit in few lines of rules). You lurk, talk, make friends, and make some money on the way, if possible. You gain knowledge, have fun. That's the sole purpose of this forum.

    I had impression, that moderating KWWH would be a piece of cake. But when I stepped in, it's a whole new dimension, of things, that I should keep my eye on, and deal with.
    Making proper decisions each and every time, is very hard, and time consuming, even for us who spend tons of time here.
    Therefore, mistakes do happen, it's what naturally happens, when you work hard. Sometimes we ban member who didn't deserved it, sometimes we don't ban those who did deserved it. However, we are doing our best to keep this forum clean for YOU, and others, so you don't get scammed, don't get spammed, or abused by anyone. We are your protectors in a way. However, if you step over the line, we have to protect others from you, or even ourselves from you.

    One thing, that people don't understand about forums, is that they are donation-based. Everyone here is volunteering, no one is being paid for the job, and there's a level of tolerance that MUST exist, from all 3 sides, users, moderators, and administration.
    Users have to tolerate some mistakes from mods, and keep their level, same thing goes for moderators, they have to tolerate things from members. Administration have to tolerate both sides, and keep balance.
    Sometimes, members can contribute 'used toilet paper' posts, sometimes, we can. We are same people as you are. So, it's not we against you, or you against us. However, we do it way less than regular members, because it's less of us, staff. Our work is more noticed, because of our position, and given privileges. Anyone who thinks, that can do better work, have a chance to prove himself, using report button, contributing to this forum. But I don't think you will do any better, because we all belong to same specie, humans.
    Don't fool yourself thinking you are immune to mistakes, and know best. We never said we do know the best, we are picked because of our contribution to this forum.

    Forum didn't changed a BIT, when I was just a noob, lurking here, and other members were staff. All that you read on your screen, are some new names. But everything is the same. New people come, old people go, when you observe this in closed enviroment like forum, that is everything but not surprising.

    There will be always people who think they are smarter than the rest of us, probably with 0 contribution, and those who are silently contributing, with desire to see this place more cleaner, more functional. Some things never change.

    Therefore, don't blame us, if we make mistakes. Maybe there's something we didn't understand. Try to explain to us, in a polite, non abusive way. In case you feel it's not possible with one member of staff, PM other one. We'll bring up issue behind doors, and make a final verdict as a team, what should be done.

    Cvrle77, as you said there are two sides for everything, however, you are missing the point here. The unfair moderation that users have being complaining about is not just a mistake. It's being going on since quite some time and some of these mods find it rather funny and not a mistake. That's somewhat what Robert is complaining, I mean seriously, ban reason is being a dumb ass?

    Some/most moderators do an awesome job keeping the forum clean from scammers but why abuse your powers to the extend when people no longer want to visit the place? There is a fine line between fun and abuse and some moderators are crossing the line over every small thing. If you said the forum hasn't changed a bit why is that no one used to complain and all of a sudden there are tons of complains?

    Edit: About explaining something politely to a staff, do you expect me to explain my side of the story politely to the mod who warned me for being a "dumb ass"?

    Super busy. I have to forward this email to 20 people in 5 minutes or else a ghost will visit me tonight and my room is a mess

    I cannot speak in other's people name, I can speak on a general level, and my own name.

    However, there's one thing that you are not right about. Users always complained on something regarding moderators decisions. Even I did, when I was user, and was banned for 7 days.

    However, as I said, some people find it quite hard to fit in few lines of rules. No one will touch you, if you act normal, and your behavior, and attitude is kept on a decent level, even when shit is thrown in your direction sometimes.
    But, difference in positions here is, that shit is thrown at us all the time, and all staff have to deal with is crap. To moderate crap. And sometimes, when we even feel a bit of it, when dealing with tons of reports, scammers, we pull innocent people in that pile. It happens. Rarely, but it does.
    We have to weed who's intentions are good, measure what user previously contributed, check if he has bad history, etc, etc, etc. There's TONS of things we measure, before kicking someone, or give infraction. Most of the time, those who are complaining, have 3-6 pages of infractions, but hey, they are still here. Even with their unacceptable behavior, 0 contribution, they are still given the opportunity to use this forum.

    All this infraction thing is blown up out of proportions. Infractions are meant to warn you, that you are doing something that is not acceptable here. That means, that you should pay attention on what you are doing, and stop doing it, and not trying to fight it. It is a warning system, not a punishment. Ban is punishment, for repeated, unacceptable behavior, when infractions simply do not give desired effect.

    This has been a repeating issue eachtime it happened I sent a PM off to admin Loget read my PM but he didn't reply to it. Has you can seen capone hasn't even checked his PM yet about the issue.

    I do agree with you CV moderators do make mistakes but not 3 months in a roll this has been an on-going issue I been complaining about it every since so have other peoples have made complaints about this moderators actions ShareShiz even made reports about action of moderators nether was he heard he was just banned off the forum mulit times.


    Robert, please do read the part about tolerance.

    Users have to tolerate some mistakes from mods, and keep their level, same thing goes for moderators, they have to tolerate things from members. Administration have to tolerate both sides, and keep balance.
    Else, staff team would fall apart, and KWWH would stop existing...

    We are being bullied by users, more than all of you together are being bullied by us.
    We are tolerating most of it. You're not tolerating anything. That's the main difference.
    There's no thread in this forum: moderator being bullied by member, if you haven't noticed.

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