Unfortunately the daily traffic cap is not something that would be considered.

You should, because your servers will be overloaded, limiting poor country by slots, is only for lucky people who get first download and others cant download, never !
1 Gb per free user/free acount (ip) is perfect to stop servers overloaded and can keep 150kb/s on all servers etc.

Free User Restrictions:

30 seconds first download
1 minute, second download
10 minutes 3th download
20 minutes 4th download
30 minutes 5th download
40 minutes 6th download
50 minutes 7th download
60 minutes 8th download
60 minutes 9th download
60 minutes 10th download
Premium required for 11th download

After first download was completed another download begin over 1 minutes
This time is a real time and not time waiting on download page.
If I download 2 files, and over 10 minutes I want to download another it mean 3th file on my ip I must wait 30 seconds .

Dont put 90 days after last download, you will cant do this over 3 months, make some rules that will be fixed by now, to not change them like all others has done. Put 30 days is better or max 60 days.