
I'm buying banner space on multiple warez sites that have high traffic, i have already purchased adverts on several sites including http://warez-home.net & http://scenemovie.org/ I will only purchase 1 month from you and if it goes well and i receive a decent amount of traffic from your site i will purchase space for 3 month or more.

I am only looking for Header ad space, i am not interested in footer/side/links, you will have to put an adcode on your site so that i can track how many pageviews/clicks my advert has received and if the ctr is good i will continue to purchase ads from you. Banner Rotations are not welcome. By High Traffic i mean 3k+ Uniques a day and at least 10k Pageviews a day.

My only payment method is Verified PayPal, please do not ask for anything else.

My Adverts:



If you are interested please reply to this thread with your site URL, screenshot of you Google analytics for the past month from today, what advert you would accept on your site and how much you would charge per month (30 days), if interested i will PM you requesting ownership proof, please do not PM me.
Nickson Reviewed by Nickson on . [Buying] Banner Space on Warez Sites Hi, I'm buying banner space on multiple warez sites that have high traffic, i have already purchased adverts on several sites including http://warez-home.net & http://scenemovie.org/ I will only purchase 1 month from you and if it goes well and i receive a decent amount of traffic from your site i will purchase space for 3 month or more. I am only looking for Header ad space, i am not interested in footer/side/links, you will have to put an adcode on your site so that i can track how many Rating: 5